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A bunch of






Howdy, kids! Welcome to my *fantabulific* waste of time. This is just an entry page, don't get too excited!
So anyway, there are two ways you can see the site =) The first is the pretty one, and although its usually pretty quick to load and whatnot, it might not be compatible with all browsers. If you try that and it's slow or looks messed up, or if your screen resolution is less than 1024x768, use the less-pretty version. I'll show you the good one some time. Oh, and I am so so so sorry about the ads; I'd have to pay if they weren't there, and I have very little money. Oh well. Enjoy!

Pretty version! (Opens a new window; don't worry if your screen goes blank for a second)

Less-pretty-but-still-with-a-great-personality version!