Survival of all or none

One raindrop raises the sea

Weapons are enemies even to their owners

Give more, take less

Others first, self last

Observe, listen, and learn

Do one thing at a time

Sing every day

Exercise imagination

Eat to live, don't live to eat

D on't p.........

Hey everyone! Gracie here and welcome to the all new page dedicated to the best book series DINOTOPIA!

First off, before I get started with the actual page, I must thank for all the great pictures, info and images! They have everything even remotely dinotopian related! It's an absolutly great site, and they were nice enough to e-mail me and give me permission to use the images ans stuff! So, thanks a bundle to them!

The Books

I remember the first time I read Dinotopia . It was in eighth grade and I remeber staying up until 2:30 to finish it, and then doing the same the next night for The World Beneath . I got pretty tired after a few days, but the point is is that I was so into the books that I really didn't care! They are written and illustrated by James Gurney; to be sure, the books are even greater and they are nothing like the mini-series. For one, there arn't two boys, there is a man and his son (named Will) who wash up on Dinotopia. They basically take on the lifes of Dinotopians, with the son being (you guessed it!) a sky-back rider! There are three books in the series so far: "Dinotopia" , "The World Beneath" , and "First Flight." As you might have guessed from my last pages, I'm not really up to summereizing stories (thats Vanessa's cool talent.) But, if you do to the Dinotopia site below (and above) , you'll get a full synopsis of each book. There is also a Chapter book series, but it's not by the same author, so I'm relunctant to try it, but I can't stop you! Dinotopa is a beautiful place, and the pictures in the books are absolutely amazing! They even included the alphabet for you to learn!

I don't know about you guys, but I right in the middle of learning the foot-print language for myself, so if any of you want to leanr it, we can be cool wierd people together who know the footprint langauge.....yeah.

Thanks again to for all the cool pictures and the alphabet! Go see the site! It has absolutly everything for hard core Dinotopia fans!

Illustrations buy James Gurney

much better, but the mini-series wasn't too shabby either. The effects are great, the actors are great, and the plot, though a litttle off the beaten path when compared with the books, is great!

The Plot

Well, as I explained before, I'm into summerizing plots, so I'll give a step by step thing...sorta. Step 1 The plot starts when two step-brothers, Karl and David, go on a plane trip with their dad. As Karl flies the plane, they encounter a storm and crash into the ocean. Step 2 The two brothers escape the plane and swim onto an island. They can't find their dad so, convinced he's dead, they go off to search to civilization. Step 3 They encounter dinosaurs and Marion, who steals both their hearts. She escorts them to Waterfall city, the capital of Dinotopia, where they learn that she is the Mayor's daughter. They also realize that the city's light and energy source, the sunstones, are failing and they need to go find more. Thats enough to start you off with (don't want to tell the whole story because then you won't go out to Blockbuster and rent it for yourself) but there IS romance, there IS adventure, and there IS the whole "good triumphs over evil" scenario. Oh, and there's also a dinosaur that speaks with an English accent, which alone should persuade you to go see it.

The Characters

David Scott

Well, how do I start with David. Well, he's extremly handsome and a talented actor named Wentworth Miller.David the character is a young man who is generally afraid of everything. He adapts to the dinotopian life quite well and is assigned to ride the Skybacks as a career. He is fully ready to stay there in DInotopia for the rest of his life (with Marion, of course.)

Karl Scott

Karl is the second brother. He was played by Tyron Leitso (anyone beginning to see a pattern with wierd names?) Unlike David, his only wish is to get off Dinotopa and go home. The only thing thats holding him back is Marion, whom he loves just like David. He gets assigned to the Hatchery, where they hatch baby dinosaurs. He gets assigned to a dinosaur whom he names 26.

Marion Waldo

Well, Marion Waldo, played by Katie Carr is the daughter of the Mayor of Dinotopia. She is the love intrest of both David and Karl. She is very kind and considerate and very gifted with caring for dinosaurs. She is also a player, because she can't decide between David and Karl, and by the end of the series, she says she loves them both and leaves them to fight over her. Now I don't want to say anything that could offend, but I was very upset that she didn't choose one.

Cyrus Crabb

EVIL MAN! VERY VERY EVIL MAN!! Well, yes, as you can tell he plays the bad guy. Played very well by David Thewlis , he is an antique dealer in Dinotopia. He befriends Karl, promising to help him find a way out of Dinotopia. Of course, he has other things on his mind besides escape.


This is Zippo, whose voice was well....voiced by Lee Evans . He is a british dinosaur and also the head librarian in Waterfall city. He is Marion's best friend and absolutly loves ping pong!


This is twenty-six, Karl's life partner. It is Karl's responsibility to take care of and raise twenty-six. He is really cute! He can't talk except to squeak, which makes him even cuter!

The T.V. Series

Ok, so let's establish for the record, that the Dinotopia TV series is not abad TV series, it's just got some bad actors in it. Well, bad actor Not David and Marion, but the guy who plays Karl: Erik Von Denton I probably spelled his name wrong, but I hate him so much I don't care. He took over the role Tyron rightly had (and that other guy took my husband's, Wentworth's, role, but besides that I have nothing against him.) But Erik gets on my nerves! He can't throw that "Clue" vibe from "So Wierd" he has. He still has that "stupid, clueless, skateboarder" air about him, and besides that, he really can't act. Or maybe he can, but he just sucks in comparison with Tyron. So, don't not see the series. It's good! But Erik doesn't make the show. Also, the girl who played Marion in the mini-series isn't in it, but the girl who plays it in the TV show isn't that bad.

Well, thats all, but remember "Breath Deep, Seek Peace!" or is you happen to be a skyback rider ,"Breath Deep, Fly High!"

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