Buffy Summers Info

Buffy Anne Summers was born in 1981 to Hank and Joyce Summers. While growing up in L.A. the Slayer-to-be was said to be very close with her cousin Celia. Unfortunately, Celia died and Buffy decided to pledge her allegiance to her childhood hero, Dorothy Hamil. In 1996, She was introduced to Merrick, her first Watcher, who informed her that she was to become the Slayer. Buffy was kicked out of her L.A. school for burning down the gym which, at the time,  contained a huge number of blood sucking vampires!

Buffy's parents decided to divorce soon after this incident. Buffy, now living with her mother, moved to  Sunnydale, CA. Contrary to her hopes her days of slaying were not over, in fact her hardest challenges had just begun. She found this out in 1997 from her new Watcher Giles. She was told  that Sunnydale was actually located on top of Hellmouth, a portal to an evil dimension.

Since that time Buffy has had it pretty rough. She's been killed twice, had to deal with Angel leaving and protecting a sister she didn't even know she had! All the while dealing with the "every day" slaying of vampires and other beings of evil. On top of all this she's had to try to keep a passing grade in High school and College.

But Buffy isn't alone! She has the help of Giles, her friends Willow, Xander, Spike, Tara, Anya and to a smaller extent, her sister Dawn.
