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hey guys, its about time i got you guys some hover decorations!!!
in case you didnt know these codes go where it says text-decoration:none--
<STYLE type="text/css"><!-- A:link{color:COLOR;text-decoration:none;} A:visited{color:COLOR;text-decoration:none;} A:active{color:COLOR;text-decoration:none;} A:hover{color:COLOR;text-decoration:none;} --></STYLE> regan

text-decoration:overline; -- overline (duh)

text-decoration:underline; -- underline (duh)

text-decoration:underline overline; -- underline & overline (duh)

background-color:COLOR; -- makes it have a background

text-decoration:line-through; -- makes it have a line through (good for visited)

font-weight:bold; -- makes it bold

font-style:italic; -- makes it italicized

font-size:NUMBERpt; -- makes it bigger (or smaller)

font-family:FONTNAME; -- changes the font face

letter-spacing: NUMBERpt; -- NUMBER determines how far apart the text is spaced

border:COLOR NUMBER SOLID; -- color is for what color, number is for how thick the line will be, solid is the style of line, it can be dashed dotted or solid
border-bottom:SOLID NUMBER COLOR; -- like being underlined but u can change the line style (above)

border-top:SOLID NUMBER COLOR; -- like being overlined but can change the line style (above)

background:url(IMAGE URL); -- gives it a background text-transform:uppercase; -- makes all letters lowercase, weird i know

text-transform:lowercase; -- makes all letters uppercase, again weird

text-transform:capitalize; -- makes the first letter capitalized

for all the next ones they have a "filter" and all of the filters have a NUMBER space and it doesnt really matter what number it is

filter:flipv;height:NUMBER; -- makes the text go upside down

filter:fliph;height:NUMBER; -- makes the text backwords

filter:blur;height:NUMBER; -- maked the text blurry

filter:glow(color=COLOR,offX=NUMBER, offY=NUMBER);height:NUMBER; -- makes text glow

filter:dropshadow(color=COLOR,offX=NUMBER, offY=NUMBER);height:NUMBER; -- makes text have a shadow

filter:shadow(color=COLOR,offX=NUMBER, offY=NUMBER);height:NUMBER; -- makes text have a shadow kind of like blur but ko01er becuz it can have a different color

filter:invert;height:NUMBER; -- makes text the opposite color of what it should be filter:progid:dximagetransform. microsoft.gradient(gradienttype=1, startcolorstr=COLOR 1,endcolorstr=COLOR 2); height:3 -- gives a background that blends from one color to the next