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Counseling and Hypnotherapy by Telephone and E-Mail
Cline Clark, D.D., C.M.H. Live Advice via E-Mail and Telephone

The Net is surfed by millions of people every day.
You are one of them.
Everybody has special talents and skills that can
benefit other people on planet earth.
You are one of them.
And so am I.

Via E-Mail and Telephone
Private Personal Counseling | Religious Functions

By Cline Clark

There are times when it helps just to talk or write to someone who is really interested. I'd like to be that someone for you! I offer to be your emotional outlet and spiritual support here and now!

I work with you FREE using E-Mail!

Address your e-mail to and put the word ADVICE in the subject. Let me know your situation. Ask questions. Tell me how I can be of help. Please write me only once a week and try to keep your letters no longer than two pages. Otherwise I may have to request a donation for the time needed to read and respond to them.

Telephone (818) 548-0781
we can talk FREE fifteen minutes once each week!

You'll be amazed at what can be accomplished during that free quarter-hour.

During my ten-year private practice in Hollywood, people in the entertainment industry frequently called me just for a good word while dealing with rejection or the high show-biz pressure. Just a few minutes seemed to work miracles!

I try to keep my phone line open for unscheduled calls between 1:00 and 5:00 PM Pacific Coast Time every day, I'm closed on Tuesday, and Wednesday. It is best to set up a telephone appointment in advance using e-mail at the address above. If you reach me on the phone unexpectedly the call may have to be used to set up a definite time to talk later. (I return all long-distance calls "collect.")

If you are troubled by relationships, fear, guilt, feelings of inadequacy, anger, addictions, emotional blocks or similar problems, and want telephone counseling or hypnotherapy, we'll usually need more than 15 minutes once a week!

I request a donation of $1.00 per minute with a minimum of $15.00 for each visit to help resolve these kinds of problems. Ordinarily a one-half hour visit two or three times weekly for three weeks will be sufficient time.

Situations vary. I advise that you commit yourself to twice weekly for three weeks; however, you may decide that you want more or less time as we go along.

At the end of our visits I let you know how long we talked, we agree on a donation amount, and I e-mail you a PayPal Invoice so you can use your credit card.

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Latest Update: 03 MAR2005
Copyright ©2005 by Cline Clark
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