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Big Daddy's Home Page

Big Daddy's Mission Statement:

To use this web site as a vehicle to share my life expeiences in the hope that it may help others, or give them insight into some of these important topics. Whether it be information about weight loss, spirtuality, or maybe learning about some personal and private issues.

Hi, my name is Joel. All of my friends call me Big Daddy.
I welcome you to do the same.
This life we live on earth is such a short time. During that time we all go through many ups and downs.
It is my goal with this time to find God's peace, and pass that gift on to my family and as many people as possible.
This goal is one that requires a life long commitment. I pray that each of you can find this peace along your journey of life.
I invite everyone to view my website. It is a constant work in progress.
Thank you for visiting and God Bless.

***About Big Daddy***

Family: Yes, wife, 3 year old son

Location: Mid-West, Iowa

Occupation: Stay at home Dad & I work at nights

Goals: To live, laugh, love, &
inspire my son to be all he wants to be!!

***Big Daddy's Interests***

My interests include a lot of different things. My family is first and foremost on this list. I have recently gone back to the church. I love the internet, really anything outdoors; camping, fishing, hunting, or just hanging with friends outdoors. Spending time with all my WLS friends on the computer. I am a big Houston Astro's fan and a Houston Texan's fan. I really like most all sports.
Houston Astros

Houston Texans

Outdoor Products

***Big Daddy's lil' Bio***

Where do I start. My life has been filled with an enormous amount of joy as well as heartache.
This is how most poeple that know me would describe me;
Big Daddy is compassionate, honest, loyal, funny,
he has a heart that is unique and he tries to share it with everyone he knows.
He also would give his shirt off his back to anyone--
although it wouldn't fit anyone else. LOL
I am on three journeys in my life right now. Each unique and all three equally important.
First, I have recently gone back to the church trying to find who I am spirtually
and let God into my heart and back into my life.
My second journey is one of being a father, a dad, and a mentor to my wonderful son.
My third journey is weight loss. I am 6' 2" and weigh 425 pounds down from my heaviest at 448 pounds.
This journey has led me to Dr. James Maher at the University of Iowa hospitals, where I hope to undergo Laproscopic Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y surgery.
This journey has also led me to some of the most wonderful people I have ever met via the support system of and I am proud to say that these people will be my friends the rest of my life.



What is "your" BMI?

How tall are you?
(Note: don't put " or '
marks in the spaces above.)

How much
do you weigh?

Let's Get Linked to Weight Loss

Video explanation for LAP RYN

Medical description including pictures of LAP RYN

Glossary of Weight Loss Terms

The BEST WLS site I have ever found

University of Iowa Surgery Page

Your personalized Weight Loss Plan

Surgery Not Right for You, but you still want lost weight?

Research other avenues.
(Always contact your doctor before starting any new diet)
8 Minutes in the Morning!
A wonderful program, you must buy the book to properly follow this program. Amazon is where I got mine.

Weight Watchers

Dr. Phil's New Weight Loss Challenge

Atkins Low Carb Diet

What influenced my decision for weight loss surgery?

In May of 1980 my father was taken from me, lukemia claimed his body, and God claimed his spirit.
He was only 36 years old, and I was only 8 years old. I now have a wonderful 3 year old son of my own.
My father did not have a choice to stay here for me, I do have that choice.
This weight will kill me if I do not get it off, and that is a medical fact. Now I may get a disease or be in an accident, I can't stop that from happening. But, I can make a choice about being overweight. And my choice is surgery.

The following link is to a show that I watched that helped me to this decision
A father who wanted to live

My Journey to a thinner Big Daddy

Follow my progress with: My Picture Page

Before WLS Journal

After WLS Journal--Comming Soon in January I hope

Link's to Big Daddy's WLS Friends

Brite a true ANGEL from up above

Kirk aka CROW the WLS "MAN"

Janet in Dallas, one hot Momma! LOL

MY E-BAY ITEMS For Sale, please check them out!!


I was brought up in the Episcopal Church. My Mom and Dad took my brother and I every Sunday. As I got older, like a lot of kids, I grew apart from the church as well as my connection with God. Due to many issues in my life that I can't control, I have had only one choice. Turn to God. He is the only one who can truly lead me down the right path in life. I have been introduced to a couple of spirtual blessings recently. I would like to share them with you.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Listen to Charles Stanley: Daily Laymen's Teachings

The Head Episcopal Church Welcomes You!

<bgsound src="love.mp3" loop=infinite>

Please feel free to contact me!


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