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Bravo Company 2-35 Infantry 3rd Platoon Home Page

This site is under construction.

I'd like to start out by letting any visitors to this site know that this page is not official and will contain only information released by people in this platoon.

Now to let you know a little about the people who run the place around here.

Obviously in everything military there is a structure, this is how the platoon is set up for the enlisted folks:
(Links lead to pictures/Information)


1st Sergeant : Greg Valcin

A step down from THE MAN :

Platoon Sergeant : Reginald Tiller

Squad Leaders / Squad members :

1st Squad :

Sergeant Perez (Squad Leader)
Sergeant Pezzullo (Alpha Team Leader)
Private First Class Tomas
Private First Class Short
Specialist Sewell (Bravo Team Leader)
Private First Class Peterson
Private Hudson
Private Friddle

2nd Squad :

Sergeant Mitchell (Squad Leader)
Sergeant Kiersted (Alpha Team Leader)
Specialist Lopez (Bravo Team Leader)
Private First Class Merrell
Private First Class Potter

3rd Squad :

Sergeant Rubang (Squad Leader)
Specialist Lots (Team Leader)
Specialist Rosales (Team Leader)
Private First Class Stonelake

Weapons Squad :

Staff Sergeant Salinas (Squad Leader)
Specialist Roach (Team Leader)
Private First Class Paquette
Private First Class Dunkirk (Team Leader)
Private First Class Woodard
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