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The heat easily affects piggies, so I have posted some ideas to help
keep them cool.

*If possible move your piggies into somewhere that is cooler, than
where they are already

*If not done already drinking water should be changed daily and filled
with chilled water (keep a bottle in the fridge)

*Ceramic tiles are great for piggies to lay on.

*Don't use plastic houses or pipes in summer as they heat up very
(Ceramic pipes are ideal)

*Frozen soft drinks bottles are also good, they enjoy lying up against
them and may lick the precipitation on the outside although make sure
they are removed at night.

*Ice cubes can be added to water bottles although the whole bottle
should not be frozen

*Always provide shade for your piggies, a towel or sheet placed over
part of their cage or run will help to keep the heat off

*A fan or air conditioning unit placed next to the cage is ideal!

*Avoid feeding foods that contain oats, which are a heating food

* Offer foods like Melon, Cucumber and Water cress which contain a
lot of water

*Reduce the amount of bedding used in their housing

*If possible try and avoid travelling at hot times with your piggies

*Longhaired piggies may appreciate a haircut!

*Some may enjoy a small paddling pool although should be
supervised at all times

If you suspect your piggy is suffering from heat stroke you must act

Immerse them in cold water, then wrap them in a cold wet towel and
place them somewhere very cool to allow recovery, they may require
re-hydrating, of so obtain a re-hydration fluid from a chemist and add
it to their water bottle
Keeping Cavies Cool!