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Farewell, Sweet Angel Child of God

Lewis, Cuddling his Teddy
Christmas Day 2002

We do not measure the love we give and receive by the number of days we have our beloved ones in our life,
We measure the love of our dear departed ones by the love left in our hearts when they are no longer with us.

Like a flower in the breeze, life is transient.
Like the sun and the moon and the tides, love is enduring;
Unending, immeasurable;
Priceless and most treasurable.

Lewis, your tiny twenty-two months on Earth with us and in our family have left their mark,
permanently and indelibly inscribed into all of our hearts.

You have taught us to love and to share; to cherish and to respect each other,
And to remember that we are each just a tiny little piece of jigsaw in the great puzzle we call "Life".

We know now that we may just possess the outside edge pieces, but the bits in the middle,
the bits which fill in the bigger picture, well, we will never ever possess these.
And we have no control over where they will go or when they will fit in.

Stay safe and warm, comforted in the wings of Angels, darling sweet boy.
Nanny loves you more than life itself.


Dear God, look after our Lewis and keep him safe in your care until the day when we get to hold and place our own jigsaw piece;
when our day arrives we would be eternally grateful to fit in next to our Baby Lewis, and all whom we have loved and have gone to Eternal Rest in the company of Angels.

Lewis; Babalou; Little Man; Lewlew,
Sleep tight and know that we love you.

Rest in Peace in the comfort of Our Lord God Almighty.

Dedicated to the treasured memory of
Lewis David Bohdan Hamer Thompson,

1 March 2001 to 13 January 2003

Lewis's Home Page
Nadia A Hamer, Stockport, England. 19 March 2003

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