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Coat Color's Genetic Codes

Tips for understand the THE CODE!
    -The basic rabbit genetic code is represented by A, B, C, D, E, W.
    -capital letters are the dominate genes
    -lowercase letters that are by them selves with out any parentheses are the recessive genes
    -under scores are the blanks for the genes we don't know

  1. Self
  2.     Red Eyed White - _ _ _ _ cc _ _ _ _ _ _
  3.     Blue Eyed White - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vv
  4.     Black - aa B_ C_ D_ E_ W_
  5.     Blue - aa bb C_ D_ E_ W_
  6.     Chocolate - aa B_ C_ dd E_ W_
  7.     Lilac - aa bb C_ dd E_ W_
  8. Agouti
  9.     Chestnut -  A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ W_
  10.     Opal - A_ bb C_ D_ E_ W_
  11.     Chocolate Agouti - A_ B_ C_ dd E_ W_
  12.     Lynx - A_ bb C_ dd E_ W_
  13.     Chinchilla - A_ B_ c(chd)_ D_ E_ W_
  14.     Squirrel (Blue Chinchilla) - A_ bb c(chd)_ D_ E_ W_
  15.     Chocolate Chinchilla - A_ B_ c(chd)_ dd E_ W_
  16.     Lilac Chinchilla - A_ bb c(chd)_ dd E_ W_
  17.     Sable Chinchilla - A_ B_ c(chl)_ D_ E_ W_
  18.     Smoke Pearl Chinchilla - A_ bb c(chl)_ D_ E_ W_
  19.     Sandy (Flemish Giant) - A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ ww
  20.     Light Gray (Flemish Giant) - A_ B_ c(chd)_ D_ E_ ww
  21.     Steel Gray (Flemish Giant) - A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ W_ + modifiers
  22.     Copper - A_ B_ C_ D_ ee ww + rufus modifiers
  23.     Castor (Rex, Mini Rex) - A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ W_
  24. Shaded
  25.     Sable Point (Pearl) - aa B_ c(chl) D_ ee W_
  26.     Blue Point - aa B_ c(chl) dd ee W_
  27.     Chocolate Point - aa bb c(chl) D_ ee W_
  28.     Lilac Point - aa bb c(chl) dd ee W_
  30.     Seal - aa B_ c(chl)c(chl) D_ E_ W_    or   aa B_ c(chl)c(h) D_ E_ W_
  31.     Dark Smoke Pearl - aa B_ c(chl)c(chl) dd E_ W_   or  aa B_ c(chl)c(h) dd E_ W_
  32.     Siamese Sable - aa B_ c(chl)_ D_ E_ W_
  33.     Siamese Smoke Pearl - aa B_ c(chl)_ dd E_ W_
  34. Torts
  35.     Black Tortoiseshell - aa B_ C_ D_ ee W_
  36.     Blue Tortoiseshell - aa B_ C_ dd ee W_
  37.     Chocolate Tortoiseshell - aa bb C_ D_ ee W_
  38.     Lilac Tortoiseshell - aa bb C_ dd ee W_
  39.     Cinnamon (Cinnamon Breed) - aa B_ C_ D_ ee ww + rufus modifiers
  40. Widebanded
  41.     Orange (Fawn) - A_ B_ (or bb) C_ D_ ee W_
  42.     Fawn (Cream) - A_ B_ (or bb) C_ dd ee W_
  43.     Cream (Agouti) - A_ B_ (or bb) C_ D_ ee W_
  44.     Cream (Self) - aa bb c(chl)_ dd ee W_ (grey-blue eyes)
  45.     Cream (Self) - aa bb c(chl)_ D_ ee W_ (brown eyes)
  46.     Red - A_ B_ C_ D_ ee ww + rufus modifiers
  47.     Gold (English Spot) - A_ B_ (or bb) C_ D_ ee ww
  48. Tan Pattern
  49.     Black Tan - at_ B_ C_ D_ E_ ww + rufus modifiers
  50.     Blue Tan - at_ B_ C_ dd E_ ww + rufus modifiers
  51.     Chocolate Tan - at_ bb C_ D_ E_ ww + rufus modifiers
  52.     Lilac Tan - at_ bb C_ dd E_ ww + rufus modifiers
  53.     Black Otter - at B_ C_ D_ E_ W_
  54.     Blue Otter - at B_ C_ dd E_ W_
  55.     Chocolate Otter - at bb C_ D_ E_ W_
  56.     Lilac Otter - at bb C_ dd E_ W_
  57.     Black Silver Marten - at_ B_ c(chd)_ D_ E_ W_
  58.     Blue Silver Marten - at_ B_ c(chd)_ dd E_ W_
  59.     Chocolate Silver Marten - at_ bb c(chd)_ D_ E_ W_
  60.     Lilac Silver Marten - at_ bb c(chd)_ dd E_ W_
  61.     Seal Marten - at_ B_ c(chl)c(chl) D_ E_ W_
  62.     Blue Seal Marten - at_ B_ c(chl)c(chl) dd E_ W_
  63.     Sable Marten - at_ B_ c(chl)_ D_ E_ W_
  64.     Smoke Pearl Marten - at_ B_ c(chl)_ dd E_ W_
  65.     other tans
  66.         Sable Point Marten - at_ B_ c(chl) D_ ee W_
  67.         Tort Marten - at_ B_ C_ D_ ee W_
  68. Other Colors
  69. Steel -  Basically any rabbit color except onces that have to do with the E gene.
  70.             Below are the basic colors and some of the problem combinations.
  71.     Black Steel - aa B_ C_ D_ EsE W_
  72.     Blue Steel - aa B_ C_ dd EsE W_
  73.     Chocolate Steel - aa bb C_ D_ EsE W_
  74.     Lilac Steel - aa bb C_ dd EsE W_
  75. Problem Combinations for Steel
  76.     Agouti - the Steel color will be too dark in these combinations, they will almost look like self rabbits
  77.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac - A_  Es Es
  78.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac - A_ Es e
  79.     Tan - Steel gene will cover up most of the Tan patterns gene in some of combinations
  80.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  at_ EsEs (may show ticking, no tan markings)
  81.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  at_ EsE (steeled tan)
  82.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  at_ Ese (apears to be a self rabbit)
  83.     Self gene
  84.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  a_ EsEs (apears to be a self rabbit)
  85.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  a_ EsE (steeled self)
  86.         Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac -  a_ Ese (apears to be a self rabbit)
  88. Harlequin
  89.     Japanese
  90.         Black/Gold - A_ B_ C_ D_ ej_ W_
  91.         Blue/Fawn - A_ B_ C_ dd ej_ W_
  92.         Chocolate/Gold - A_ bb C_ D_ ej_ W_
  93.         Lilac/Fawn - A_ bb C_ dd ej_ W_
  94.     Magpie
  95.         Black/White - A_ B_ c(chd)_ D_ ej_ W_
  96.         Blue/White - A_ B_ c(chd)_ dd ej_ W_
  97.         Chocolate/White - A_ bb c(chd)_ D_ ej_ W_
  98.         Lilac/White - A_ bb c(chd)_ dd ej_ W_
  99. Silvered -  si si
  100. Broken
  101.     Charlie Marked - En En
  102.     Broken - En en
  103.     Normal Color - en en
  104. Tri-Colored
  105.     White/Black/Gold - A_ B_ C_ D_ ej_ Enen
  106.     White/Blue/Fawn - A_ B_ C_ dd ej_ Enen
  107.     White/Chocolate/Gold - A_ bb C_ D_ ej_ Enen
  108.     White/Lilac/Fawn - A_ bb C_ ddej_ Enen
  109. Misc.
  110.     Ermine
  111.         Grey-Blue Eyes - A_ B_ (or bb) c(chd)_ (or c(chl)_) dd ee W_
  112.         Brown Eyes - A_ B_ (or bb) c(chd)_ (or c(chl)_) D_ ee W_
  113.           *difference between the two is with the D (dilute) gene
  114.         Best Ermine color - AA bb c(clh)c dd ee WW
  115.     Hotot - aa B_ C_ E_ D_ EnEn Du du
  116.     Pointed White - aa B_ c(h)_ D_ E_ W_
  117.           *prefered combo is c(h)c(h)
  118.     Dutch - Basically any rabbit color can be in the dutch color.  Below are the basic colors
  119.         Black Dutch - aa B_ C_ D_ E_ W_ du du
  120.         Blue Dutch - aa bb C_ D_ E_ W_ du du
  121.         Chocolate Dutch - aa bb C_ dd E_ W_ du du
  122.         Lilac Dutch - aa bb C_ dd E_ W_ du du
  123. Unshowable Colors
  124.     Non-extension himi - like a fawn himi, sometimes there is no color at all and they look like REW's
  125.         - aa B _ c(h)_ D _ ee W_
  126.         - aa bb c(h)_ dd ee W_  (will appear to be a REW)
-Information primarily taken from Rabbit Coat Color Genetics; A Layman's Guide to Color Genetics and Breeding, Fourth Edition. by Glenna M. Huffmon

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Last updated: October 20, 2001

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