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.:My Life:.
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  .: Welcome to my page! :.

Hi! My name is Amy, but you can call me AmyLynN for short!

This page was created to bring a bit of the past to the present. The good and the bad. My life story. Some may find humor others may find sadness. But I pray that above all things you will find the key to eternal success, Jesus Christ. Through the good and through the bad He has been there. I know He loves me. I know He cares.

  .: Which way did he go, George? :.

To learn more about my life and the effects of the love of Jesus, check out .:My Life:. to the left.

.: Did 'e go data way? :.

To the right of ever page you will find the information such as when the memory happened or how old I was in .: Info :. There will also be a poll in the .: Lemme Know :. section so you can let me know how you felt about that memory.

.: News Updates :.
Webpage dedicated to my life?
Sounds good to me.

*Currently Under Construction*
.: Info :.
Name: Amy Lynn Cessor
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Fav saying: Awesome Oppossum!
.: Lemme Know :.

My Life on the Internet?
That's awesome oppossum!
Sounds kinda crazy.
Your Life? What a waste of time!

Copyright © 2002-2003 AmyLynN