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To Pop Pops Home Page

Mikey ~~~~~ Jeremy ~~~~~ Brandy ~~~~~ Emiley!

Meet My Grandchildren
Mikey, The Athlete Age Jeremy, Shy but Brave Age
14 11
Brandy, My Shirley Temple Age Emily, My Wise China Doll Age
8 5

Favorite web sites we use for fun, play, and schoolwork.

Mikeys Skate place
Barbie Playtime
AOL - Home work Help
Homework Study Research
Kids Entertainment on Disney

My grandchildren in action. Aren't They Lovely
Mikey, So helpful in so may ways! Jeremy, so bashful and nice to everyone!
Brandy, Such beauty and sweetness! Emily, So pretty, smart, and curious!

You can see why I am so proud of my grandchildren. Thank you visiting and come back soon!
