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News and Updates

6.08.03 I've been working super hard to finish the stories that are up. They will be done, in due time.

6.08.03 Finally! A new layout!! I would love to hear your comments!! They are greatly appreciated.Would anyone like to be an affiliate of mine? Just email me at Also, I have started work on some Marauders stories. They will be posted soon. (Sidenote: If you get "error" messages, it's becaues the Yahoo! Popups won't... pop up. I will be getting a domain and space soon.)

5.23.03 New Layout! Do you like? Anywho, I will have more time to write since school is officially out, and I am officially a SENIOR! I am currently writing a Harry/Ginny story! yay! But I'm a sporadic writer, so bear with me!

If you would like be hosted here, you can contact me at If you would like to be linked here, you can reach me at the same email addy. If you want to link me to your site, check out the links pages.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters cited on this website. I just worship the ground they walk on.

This site is also under major construction! I am terribly sorry if the links don't work, and the "whole" stories aren't posted. In due time, everything will be right. Also, all these graphics were made by me, and I will be very sad if you try to steal them!

.:Comming Soon:.

All Kwestions Answered Awards: This will happen once people start hosting their fanfic here!

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