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Agape Youth Chapel

Agape Youth Chapel

Agape Youth Vision

Contact Information


Weekly Events

Praise Song Lyrics

Sunday Sermons

Pastoral Staff


Church Information

n: love, self giving love; unconditional love
v: to love another sacrificially and unconditionally

[ John 13:34-35 ]


We apologize for not updating the website regurlarly. We will try to update as much as we can. Once again, sorry!

Please continue to pray for the college ministry. College service begins at 1:30 p.m. in the youth room.

**NEW**KACY basketball tournament this Saturday, March 26th. Meet at church at 12pm sharp if you want to go cheer our Agape boys on!

**NEW**Congratulations to everyone who was confirmed this past Easter. May you all continue to grow in His love, mercy and grace.

**NEW**Pre-college group bible study meets at 10:00 am every Sunday before prayer meeting!

**NEW**Continue to pray that God will provide us with a pastor to replace Pastor Peter. Please also keep the Compassion kids in your prayers.

We apologize for the inappropriate pop-ups that come up when you visit this church website. There's not really anything we can do about it, since we're not on our own server, so.. sorry!

Please come out to pray on Sunday at 10:30 am. Prayer meeting is no longer held after service. It will be on Sunday morning so wake up a half an hour earlier to pray.. you can do it!

Please do not misuse the guestbook. It is on this site so we can edify one another and request prayers. It is not to post inappropriate messages. Also please do not use others names to write a post. Use your own! Again please do not misuse the guestbook.

April Birthdays

Happy Birthday Guys!

*If your birthday isn't on here or there is a misprint please let Ange or Dee know!*

Last Sunday's Message

Please keep praying; we've all witnessed the amazing power of prayer. The least that we as Christians can do is to pray for those faithfully serving our nation, our nation's leaders and yes, even our enemies. We will see you all on Friday. Keep in mind that service now starts at 8pm!

[Flag Campaign icon]
God Bless America

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Last Updated: March 23, 2003
Added:Announcements, March Birthdays