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Information about Trip to South Africa

Children and me at Pinky's Crèche in South Africa.


I am so excited about our trip to Africa this year!! 

The time to go is getting so close!!

We just have like one month left until we go. 

God is definitely testing my faith through all of this. 

We have to raise around 11,000 dollars in one month in order to go!

Crazy, I know, but I also know that God will provide! 

Please keep us and the people of  SouthAfrica in

your prayers as we prepare for the trip!! 

Also, if you have any fun ideas

about what we could do with the children for a

VBS please let me know!!

You can e-mail me at .




Last Year's Trip


Information about Project 2005


Information for people going on trip


Facts about Africa




Information about Africa

African Leadership


South Africa Facts


More Facts about South Africa



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