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The Lamp of ADK

(By Carolyn & Richard Southall)

To Alpha Delta Kappa

We pledge our loyalty;

To sisters who are always true

We’ll ever faithful be;

The sacred lamp of learning

Upon our altar stands;

It’s radiant glow will e’er bestow

A light to all the lands.

ABOUT ADK - Fun Facts

Our official flower is the violet.
Our official colors are olive green and golden yellow.
Our Pin is the symbol worn to show membership.
The first national convention was held in Chicago in 1955 with delegates from eleven states.
Our national newsletter is titled Columns and our official magazine is titled Kappan.
Alpha Delta Kappa was founded on August 13, 1947.
The first ADK chapter was organized in Olathe, Kansas.
Hattie Poppino taught commerce and library science.
International Conventions are held in the summer of ODD numbered years.
Regional conferences are held in the summer of EVEN numbers years.
The Lamp of ADK is our official song and was written by Carolyn & Richard Southall.