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Welcome to Adelfi Zoi land stranger, be wary your steps for the scouts are watching. Peace be with you as long as you abide by Amazon honor and law.

We the Adelfi Zoi greet you. You are welcome to see our tribe and community. Where love and respect abound between sisters of many worlds but of one nation. The Amazon Nation. We are a tribe of women who support one another in our day to day life as well as our adventures. Giving our histories to one another to bind ourselves together as a single unit of united women, who know we have much to offer the world.

The Adelfi Zoi tribe grew from a small tribe many years ago that split and remerged as the Kori Thea we lost some loved ones along the way but we remember them still. They have progressed in the world as strong independent women and we wish them the best in their ever endevor. For a time the Kori Thea flourished but as people change so do tribes and after a time of inactivity werededicated ourselves as Adelfi Zoi. Some of us have come from that tiny little tribe whos name has been lost to history and suffered through the transition of change. We welcome our new sisters with open arms and wish them the same love and tender affection we have for our oldest of sisters. Come see our comradery meet our members and learn a bit about us.

Amazon Code / Tribal Position Definition / Bloodlines / Totem & Animal Symbolisim 
Village Map /  Rituals and Ceremonies / The art work of Sisters

Below is a list of Sisters who are active within the tribe. 
We are blessed to have them and bettered by their presence, input, and wisdom.

Name Tribal Position Bloodline Totem
Agamede - meaning: Greatest in wisdom Sage, Healer Owl
Ainia - meaning: Swiftness Priestess Owl
Algaria Swordmistress Wildcat
Amara Warrior, Artisan Wildcat Tiger
Ananda - meaning: Worthy Ritual Mistress Owl  Hawk, Goat
Antandre Scribe Bear
Anymone (Danaid -Nymph of Nature) Scout, Poet falcon Bobcat, Crow
Ariana (Descendent of Artemis) Sentinel Bear
Charope Fletcher / Bowyer Boar
Crimson Huntress Red (Descendent of Artemis) Stable Mistress Animal Caretaker Bear Wolf, Horse 
Daksha Oya Storyteller / Herbal Healer
Euthenia Stealth Warrior / Helper Wildcat Humming Bird, Coyote
Harmonia - meaning: Harmony/Peace
Friend of Animals
Storyteller,Artisan, Gardener Bear Cat,  Mole
Kore Archer Wild Cat
Kypris (Descendent of Artemis) Mentor Owl
Livia Indica Gardener, Herbalist
Healer Apprentice
Owl Bobcat, Cat, Owl
Lykopis - meaning: She-wolf Shamaness, Ornithologist Owl Rat, Wolf
Phaydra (Descendant of Artemis) Queen, High Council
Weapons Mistress
Wolf Wolf
Selene Monster Slayer Wild Cat
Friend of all Waters & Creatures in them
Mariner Boar Cougar, Cat
Tara (Descendent of Artemis) Queens Champion
Wolf Watcher

Adelphi banner credited to Queen Phaydra. Layout ideas by Ainia and page creation by XTS & Associates
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