Bush is an IDIOT


I didn't vote for Bush back in 2000, and I won't vote for him again in 2004... why? Plain and simple, he's an idiot. Now... I'd like to think of myself as a fair-minded person. If I don't agree with a politician, then I don't agree. I don't follow any strict party lines blindly like most people do. I am against abortion, against semi-automatic machineguns, against gay rights, against tax-cuts... and more importantly, I'm against stupidity. Trust me, I've tried my best to learn to like Bush, but in the end he's still an idiot. Here's why:

What the heck are we doing fighting our war on terror?? Bush had this hard-on on ridding the world of Saddam Hussein's regime... but why? To make the world a safer place? Did you know that Hussein hasn't made a single attack against the US since the end of Desert Storm? Did you know that we STILL haven't found those famous weapons of mass destruction? Did you know there's still NO link between him and Al Qaeda? Oh but I know what you're thinking... you're thinking, "Well Manny, we did get rid of an evil dictator who was torturing his own people..." I got a response to that, WHO THE HECK CARES?? There are evil dictators all over the world who do many things to their own people, why does Saddam Hussein stand out? Why did my government spend BILLIONS of OUR money to liberate people halfway across the globe from their OWN country? I mean, seriously, don't try and be a hypocrite about it cause I know you don't care. There's also thousands of children dying in Africa everyday and I don't see you donating a dime so don't be acting like you care of what happens to people outside this country.

In retrospect, I think Operation Iraqi Freedom was an unnecessary waste of money and lives. So what would I have done with the $745 billion we spent on the defeating Saddam Hussein since it obviously didn't reduce the threat of terrorism? Pump it into OUR economy. Connect all government agencies together with a brand new computer infrastructure. Invest in new technologies, x-ray machines, mobile anti-terrorist vehicles, develop a bomb detector device, robots that can deactivate explosives, hire guards, etc. The question we have to answer is HOW CAN WE DETECT TERRORISTS? Not HOW CAN WE ELIMINATE TERRORISTS. We cannot eliminate them, they're everywhere... there's 15 of them in your town right now as you're reading this. We need to spend the money to DETECT them before they strike, not breed future generations of anti-US martyrs in the Middle East. The people in Iraq are glad the regime is over but at the same time they don't want a US presence and AT THE SAME TIME want peace and security. Ingrates. 

Why the heck are we rebuilding schools, roads, bridges, and tunnels in Iraq for? We need to rebuild that crap HERE! Do you know that here in the wonderful state of Texas, our beloved governor Rick Perry has cutback on funding for schools? 1%? 2%? No... 14% a year. I don't care how bad the economy is but cutting education is the LAST thing you wanna do. I hope you know what kind of impact this is having on students and teachers alike at my university. I can no longer afford to go to summer school and my life will have to be put on hold for six months. About 75% of classes will be canceled this summer and teachers are finding themselves with nothing to do. Along with students too, cause there are NO JOBS! Thanks to Bush's excellent well-thought-out domestic agenda. Boyeee, but I'm glad they're cutting taxes on dividends, cause I was kinda worried Bill Gates was only gonna make $100 million this year, but I'm glad he'll make $120 million instead. There's one thing you should know about rich people, they're GREEDY. They wouldn't be rich otherwise. That's why you see all these millionaires at Enron not content with the millions they have, they want more... with little regard about anyone else. I'm glad not all Republicans think like Bush otherwise we would all find ourselves in a 700 billion dollar tax-cut hell.


If you disagree with anything I have said, don't email me. You don't see me emailing you my opinions so why should you? Email my coworker... or better yet, make your own website and if it grows in popularity I'm sure I'll find it someday.

Edit by Chris: Don't email me either.

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