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International Chayon-Ryu Association


 Chayon-Ryu means "The Natural Way". We use natural body motions as the basis of all techniques in order to promote power, safety, health, and fitness. The natural body motions found in ordinary activities as twisting, throwing, and running are used to deliver blocks, strikes, and kicks. Relaxed natural motions flow more smoothly and efficiently thereby generating greater power than contrived movements.

Chayon-Ryu encompasses the traditional forms and techniques found in the parent styles: Chinese Chaun'Fa (Kung Fu), Japanese Karate, Korean Taekwondo, Okinawa-Te, Judo, Jujitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, and Kobudo (weapons). Moreover, the Chayon-Ryu teaching method is undergoing continuous study and refinement to ensure that we offer the most effective martial arts program and the safest learning environment.

Chayon-Ryu Martial Arts was founded in Houston, Texas in 1968 by Grandmaster Kim Soo


             Channel 11 Houston video about Grandmaster Kim Soo


This site was last updated 04/03/06

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