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Alright, here we go. This is what's in my sketchbook. Very few are originals, what can I say I'm not that original. Well they're in order from oldest to newest. To those that have seen my sketchbook, yes there are some missing. I pulled them from my sketchbook before I scanned them, Doh!

These are the originals that I used to make my mimics.

This one is a nice picture from AC3, it's supposed to be a red and blue dragon twirling themselves around each other with an explosion where they originate.

This is what started me on anime. This is a pic from the genius behind MegaTokyo. Mr. Fred Gallagher. Check it out. GREAT comic. Must . . .resist . . .urge . . .for . . .thatcomic . . . link . . . . . . okay, I'm good.

What can I say, I was trying out different ideas that were passing through my mind, I wasn't about to try drawing legs so the dress just hid it fairly well. As for the wings, well . . . I don't know, they just fit. This is my first attempt at an original creation, gimme a break.

Many of you see a theme developing, yes it is Tohya Miho, of MegaTokyo fame. As I said this is what started me on anime, it was hard to move on. I did this during a programing period after they said I wasn't allowed on the school computers. Gotta love manning, "kick a guy in programing off the computers because he can do more then we can" Baka! All of them!

don't ask why I said baka, just . . . let it slide

Ah Weebo! The first character I ever made in a pen and pad RPG.

Voronwe, just another elf.

Well by now I started spending my money on anime DVDs. I started with the entire Saber Marionette saga. Well naturally it struck me, "Why not draw them?" I really enjoyed drawing Cherry(the one on the right) though Bloodberry(the one on the left) didn't come out quite right. Lime(the only one left) was alright but nothing to special. I perfected drawing eyes on Cherry . . .so much erasing.

Deedlit sleeping. I have a thing for Deedlit.

By now I had become confident in my . . . replications that I started showing them off. My aunt wanted one she could frame. I don't know why I chose Asuka, I may have just watched NGE(Neon Genesis Evangelion) before I started drawing. Oh well, whatever. BTW I had the picture wrapped in wax paper, hence the paper clips, it keeps it from smudging.

Well here I had taken alot of flack from my friends about drawing "Chicks in tight clothes in misleading positions" JERKS!!! Well Kaneda was my response(I had just bought Akira) Didn't help. They just shook their heads at me after this one. Never knew why. . .

Well after another anime-addict started at CT, we got talking about Cowboy Bebop. It was heads Julia, Tails Faye. This is the only full body shot of Julia NOT in a trench coat. I searched for 4 hours to find a decent copy too! Damn google *shudder*

Well my friend Viki, from work again, said I should try something simple. I really enjoyed shading the dress, it was hell BTW! Well I can't win for trying. Mutsumi from Love Hina, but no one belives me that she's actually that . . . well endowed. Close enough anyways.

KAWAI!!! Hand Maid May was a great series to bad I don't speak Japanesse, I buy Hand Maid Mai in a second if I could understand it. This is probably most most favored picture by observers. This BTW is May.

Gu~~~h. This one killed my hand. It's Chii and Freya from Chobits. Don't ask about the bed, I was testing new situations and shading and all the related stuffs. Though I do really like the outcome, I'm always saddened when I look at it. Bad memories and all that.

Well That's all for now, check back regularly, I usually have a new pic once every week and a half or so. If I get off my lazy ass that is.

These are the orignals that I used to draw my mimics.


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