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watashi wa hen da yoYou found me. I've finally redone my page a little. I know, it looks bad, but it was worse before. At least now I don't cringe when I look at it.
Right now, it's pretty much just the Pickled Eggplant. In fact, at the moment, this site is solely Pickled Eggplant. As soon as I redo everything else/ make a format encompassing everything, I'll have it up.

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Naoko from Card Captors.
>>Old Pickled Eggplant: Not fresh, but still good.
[.13.november.02.] WHERE'D I GO...

I'm a groupie!!!! Nooo! MY XANGA SITE Yup, just like everyone else I have joined xanga. Yup only 360 days ago.

I'll still update here! Except here no one reads it. hehheh....juicy stuff.

Lowdown on the weekend: Friday game Pun beats Iolani in the last 30 seconds. We ran to 7-11. Shoulda stayed for the yummy chili. Flaming P. Dance: sittin on the bleachers w/ Matt n Max. Cookie. Erin + Aaron. Ali + Brandon. Caryn, so friendly! Hehheh ;).

Saturday, I went to Kuakini with Kendrick, Jeri, and lotsa other people from Japanese 4H and we attempted to entertain the elderly. However, we are extremely boring. -_-. Saw a KJ ^___^. As Kenchan would say, yum. HAH. Well anyways, got to drive there and back home...broke 20 hours! Went home n took a nap....errr...I tried doing my hw but couldn't even keep my eyes open!

Sunday, Courtnie's Sweet Sixteen Birthday party. The most fun I've had in a long time. Although that's not very hard to do considering how often I get out. We rode our own Waikiki Trolley from Ward to Manoa...except taking the long way ending up being about an hour trip. I met a lot of people, one being a KJ ^___^. Am I going insane? I must be talking too much to Kendrick, Aaron, and Dustin.

Monday, the service project Cisco told me about...AND HE DIDN'T GO. it's ok though, he gave a reasonable excuse..."I had Student Conference and had to share a bed with two other guys!" Kendrick had SAID he was going to show up, but guess what? He decided to sleep in instead. Well, racked up more hours driving to Diamond Head and back, and met more people...lemme see Kelly from Iolani and Joy (clarinet!) from Mid-Pac? junk w/ names. After going home, eating, and falling asleep on the Norton's Anthology, I went to Manoa (no driving this time, went with Mom) for koto, then headed to school for the Rainbow Invitational prep...including marching in the pouring rain then after a twenty-minute dinner (yakitori bento!) break, putting on our spacesuits over our wet clothes. The Moanalua Band was REALLY GOOD. Straight lines, "frozen" halts, good show, nice balanced sound, pretty different kind was amazing. I think they were better than Pearl City...

Then it was Tuesday, school...drove in the dark for the first time! Spiffy!

You know what, my bro went home early from school (around 11:30) cuz he allegedly had a "sore stomach." So then my mom drove to Manoa to pick him up, and when he gets home, what? All better! So now, instead of a two-day week (Monday was Veteran's Day, and Thursday and Friday are parent-teacher conferences), he has a 1.5-day week! Grrr....

It's amazing how far one can go on less than 5 hours of sleep per day.

Today, Wednesday. Halfway through the week already! I gotta finish my Transcendentalism paper! Wait! I gotta start! It's not due until Friday, but you know...get it done early...I wanted to get it proofread tomorrow but my breaks probably won't work out with the teacher's. I feel under pressure since my other papers were "good" so this one is expected to be "good" too. I don't know if I can do it.

[.07.november.02.] FUUSEN

Bleeehhh..ate too much...large bowl of chili and rice, then Nov. 3 yogurt...gonna explode...aah! gots ta write a paper.

[.06.november.02.] BLISS

I ate a Cinnamon Bun today. Not the Cinnabon, but a cinnamon bun from the snack bar. It is so good when you really need it though. I smelled it. Then experienced it. Soft sugary carbohydrate dripping with sugar and butter melting off both sides and melting inside...~BLISS~.

I'm worried that I'm an emotional eater. Eating makes everything better. I love eating. I am constantly eating, like a koala who is stoned from eucalyptus.

I'm worried [.04.november.02.] BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY

I'm so sorry I was a bitch.

I hate math.

[.31.october.02.] HALLOWEEN

Japan Bowl practice until 5:15. Wait at school until 6. Eat bony "McRib" (it's really...not that good. sorry ma). Go home. Watch TV. Eat bro's candy. Practice koto. Pass out.

[.19.october.02.] PUH-SATS

This morning was PSAT's at Punahou. I wasn't sure if it was at 7:30 or 8:00, so I came around 7:15 and sat outside our classroom. At 7:45, still no one from our class had come, so I stood up..and saw a sign that said "Greenwell to P204." So, I went to B204 and almost walked in when I realized "P" is different from "B." At this rate, I was going to bomb the test. Anyway, I got to Pauahi in time, in fact, kind of early. The test really wasn't that bad. There were only 5 sections and it only took 3 hours, so we got out at 11:00 and went to buy bentoes from Habitat for Humanity club. The last section, the Writing Skills section (you actually don't have to write anything...just choose from multiple choice ways to correct the underlined stuff) I think was the best...the most "fun," if you will...Just my luck that it's not on the SAT...Math, on the other hand, some of it I didn't even finish...

As I said, after PSAT I went with "Perfect" Jarren and bought $5 yummy bentoes, then we went to Griffiths hoping to catch Caryn and Kendrick. They had disappeared, so we sat down and eventually Max, Matt, Glenn, Ali, Brandon, Aaron, and Dustin came. I got to listen to Dustin's Palm Pilot! My ears are too small for the mimiphones! Not made for megane's!

My dad picked me up at 12:15 and I got to drive to Times McCully where I got my flu shot for $15. After that I got to practice driving a little, going toward downtown, past Hakubundo, toward the airport (I drove on KAKOI street!), on H3 toward Kaneohe, to Kaneohe Bay Drive, and back home. A total of 1.25 hours! Woohoo!

At home, I went in my brother's room and took a 3 and a half hour nap. AHHHH. Hey, my mom said to! That flu shot really makes you tired..

9:10--HW? Where the jigoku am I going to find a "non-manmade environment?" Even hiking trails are manmade..if i go off the trail..i could get killed or have an accident and not be able to turn in my homework..

[.18.october.02.] FRYDAY

[mile: 12:50] [1 mi running + 3 mi run.75/walk.25 = 4 mi.] [crunches 300]

We won the football game! That's right, the marching band! "Thanks for the sport."

[.17.october.02.] AM STUDIES

Federalists lost the debate 2:3.

[.13.october.02.] SUNDAY

Must finish hw. Federalist paper, Thank you note, Challenge Question. Study for Bio. Study for Japanese.

[.12.october.02.] SATURDAY

Math hw and hair cut.

[.11.october.02.] FRIDAY FOOTBALL GAME

After school I sat at Griffiths and tried to read The American Pagaent, Chapter 9. Caryn helped me understand the Electoral College. Adding in, "I didn't spend more than an hour on this chapter." Meaning 1) We're behind, 2) My mind's behind. We went to the band room to get food.

Punahou lost the football game; however, we did manage to score 9 whole points! I still don't know how you can get 2 points. We marched the entire show. Aaron said it was the worst ever. Of course, it was the first time we performed the whole show.

After the game and changing out of the spacesuits, Brandon's mom gave Brandon, Aaron, Matt, and me a ride home. No food. Just sleep.

[.09.october.02.] WEDNESDAY


[.07.october.02.] WHAT I FOUND OUT TODAY

Caryn and Glenn are TOGETHER now. ^_^ how sweet.***

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