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Last Updated: November 3, 2000 - Sorry about the lack of updating, but Angelfire was screwed up for awhile. Oh Happy Belated Halloween by the way. Anyhoo, we have 6/10 entries for the RB Show, so keep on entering! A few more petz were adopted, too, and we got a few sister sites! Their banners still need to be put up, though. So umm yeah please adopt a pup or kitten or whatever, and have fun!

Hello everyone! I'm GP's The Unpredictable, but you can call me Fate! I'm a hexed Russian Blue. And I'm GP's The Chosen Path, or Destiny for short, and I'm a hexed Great Dane. We're the official mascots of Gemini Petz. We were chosen as mascots for Gemini Petz because we have identical markings, and the symbol of the zodiac sign gemini is twins, as most of you already know. Right, so please take a look around, and enjoy Gemini Petz!

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Tiggys Banner Exchange




This site was founded on July 24, 2000 as Shooting Star Kennelz & Cattery, but later changed to Gemini Petz due to conflicting site names.

Copyright © 2000 Gemini Petz. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Mindscape or PF Magic in any way, shape, or form. This is a fan site. No copyright infringement intended.