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RSDS The Ark Of Caring Angels Home Page
NERVE DYSTROPHY, Nerves On Fire - The Never Ending Pain

November is Kentucky's RSDS Awareness Month! ClickHere


To Contact RSDS-The Ark of Caring Angels Phone: (606) 447-2393 or E-mail


We are the first Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Complex Regional Pain Syndrome support group to be founded in Kentucky., on August 24, 1998. We banded together to better educate the medical, legal and judical system. Our first priority is to prevent future abuse by managed care, HMO'S and insurance agents who are not neurologists. The mistreatments will destroy you if the rsds doesn't. Our goal is to make all of Ky. aware of the necessity of immediate need for oral medications and not steroids in order for the nerves to heal. Nerve injections, pumps and stimulator implants only injure the central nervous system further and spread the rsds through-out the body. After the damage is done to you there is no reversing it. Therapy is most harmful if not done correctly. Absolutely NO ICE or mashing on the affected areas. with rsds No Pain is gain. 20% or more of rsds patients commit suicide because they are sent to doctors who tell them that it is phantom pain, conversion disorders or that they are malingering. Call the National Institutes of Health and Neurological Disorders at 301-496-5751 and Division of Licensing and Regulations at 502-546-2800 and file a formal complaint. If the doctor is verbal or physically abusive do not leave the building call the STATE POLICE and file a formal complaint for the record. RSDS can not be seen by looking at you. A thermography or infra-red testing must be performed by an rsds researchist. Find a doctor willing to help you deal with your pain. You may want to have your doctor contact Dr. Hooshmand at 561-231-1300 or you can visit his site Here to receive the latest updates on rsds research, your doctor will then be able to prescribe proper medication for your symptoms. There is no cure for rsds, all that can be done is to treat the symptoms. Eastern Ky. has some of the best doctors in the world if you are allowed their services but the sad part is that you are sent to ill-equipped evaluators who show great prejudice against rural mountain people. They also have no clue as to what rsds is or how to treat it. Thus the neglect, abuse and suicides continue.
You may want to visit RSDS_Hope for more rsds information Here
You may also want to contact NINDS Here

Doctor Grady Stumbo; Ronnie Slone's awesome R.S.D.S Specialist. You can find him Here or phone (606)785-3164


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