Understanding "Agressive" Rabbits

  • Who Wants a Mean Rabbit? - by Marinell Harriman 
  • No Bad Rabbits - by Margo DeMello 
  • The Biting Rabbit - by George Flentkea
  • Aggressive Rabbits - by Susan Davis 

      Bonding bunnies  

  • Bonding Bunnies - by Tom Speer
  • FAQ: Bonding Multiple Rabbits 
  •  Communicating with your Bunny

  • The Language of Lagomorphs 
  • Rabbit language 
  • Toys for your Rabbit 
  • Bunny Talk
  • Interpreting Body Language and Behavior 
  • Behavior  
  • Vocalizations 
  • Taming your rabbit
  • Overcoming shyness  
  • Wanting Attention
  • Rabbits and others

  • Classroom Bunnies: Bad Idea - by Cristina Forbes 
  • A Rabbit in the Classroom - What are they really teaching the kids? - by Carol McCall 
  • Rabbits and infants 
  • Rabbits and children 
  • Teaching Children to be Rabbit People 
  • Rabbits and Cats  
  • Choosing a Rabbit-friendly Dog - by Kate McGinley  
  • Getting your Rabbit Used to Dogs and Cats  
  • Cannibalism 
  • A very special thanks to: Theblackrabbit.com
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