Masterpiece Arabians
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Year End Awards

Previous Winners

Welcome to the Year End Awards page. Every year in December we acknowledge the hardwork, effort and obsticles a horse has overcome in the previous year.
These awards are something that every member strives their horses to reach. To have been acknowledged for their efforts, talents, perserverience is a huge honour.
Horses that win these awards are not judged on how many points they earn, rather they are judged on the quality of what they have produced or the exceptional year they have had.
All horses in Horse Venture have a chance at these awards for each year, each horse starts off at the same point. We do not judge the horses on achievements from previous years or previous years of hard work. We are interested in how the horse has grown and perservired this past year.

*Horse Of The Year*
All horses of all ages and genders can apply for this award. DO NOT include any foals stats. Inlcude awards previously won in the last year, titles previously won in the last year. (So far you nomination will look like this Moon ~
Now the hard part. Tell me what your horse has accomplished or overcome in the last year. These award nominations are hard to do and take time so don't rush through it. The better you make it sound the better your chances!

*Stallion Of The Year*
*Mare Of The Year*
*Gelding Of The Year

Just like horse of the year we are looking for titles and awards previously won in the last year. No other stats needed unless your stating your horse is 21 years old and still competing regularly, the oldest horse in Horse Venture something like that.
Now the hard part. Tell me what your horse has accomplished or overcome in the last year. These award nominations are hard to do and take time so don't rush through it. If you were forced to geld your horse tell me about it. How he is surviving what he is doing now. The better you make it sound the better your chances!
*Colt Of The Year*
This award is open to all ungelded male horses 1 year and younger. This is a difficult award to write up for a colt for he has just begun his life. DO NOT include sire or dam it has no bearing on the award. Include titles and accomplishments. Write me a story about the birth, trainig challanges, etc. Remember the better you make it sound the better your chances!
*Filly Of The Year*
This award is open to female horses 3 years and younger. Inlcude any titles & accomplishments. DO NOT include sire or dam it has no bearing on the award. Stories about training, tricks, etc. are excellent when nominating. Remember the better you make it sound the better your chances!

*Stud Of The Year*
This award is open to any male horse that has produced offspring in his lifetime (If you have a gelding but he has a foal he is eligable!!) I am looking for only foal stats. I do not want any points or titles from points he has won Points play no part in this award! If he has earned a SS ~ Superior Stud or PD ~ Proven sire that will be accepted but it is the offspring that we are interested in.
I want to know what his offspring have accomplished in this past year. If the offspring done nothing in the past year it does not favor you. Tell me what the foals have done and overcome.

*Broodmare Of The Year*

Just like stud of the year this award has nothing to do with points so do not include your broodmare's points or titles earned from being in shows This award is open to any mare that has produced foals. A broodmare that has produced one offspring has the same chance as one that has produced ten for it is quality not quantity that is judged for this award. Tell me about the broodmare's offspring and any titles that she has earned because of them.

*Grand-Sire Of The Year*
This award is open to any male horse that has produced grand foals  in his lifetime (If you have a gelding but he has a foalwho has had a foal than  he is eligable!) I am looking for only foal stats. I do not want any points or titles from points he has won Points play no part in this award! If he has earned a SS ~ Superior Stud or PD ~ Proven sire that will be accepted but it is the grand foals  that we are interested in. I want to know what his grand foals  have accomplished in this past year. If the grand foals have done nothing in the past year it does not favor you. Tell me what the grand  foals have done and overcome.

 *Grand-Broodmare Of The Year*

Just like broodmare  of the year this award has nothing to do with points so do not include your broodmare's points or titles earned from being in shows This award is open to any mare that has produced GRAND  foals. A broodmare that has produced one GRAND offspring has the same chance as one that has produced ten for it is quality not quantity that is judged for this award. Tell me about the broodmare's GRAND foals  and any titles that she has earned because of them.

When nominating your horse for an award bear in mind what the pre-requisites are for each award. If you are applying for a couple of awards I do not want to see the same write up for the two different awards. For each award is different.

DO NOT think your horse won't win an award. Last year numerous awards has one nomination so with nothing else to choose from that horse won!

If you have any questions, if there is something you don't understand, or want some pointers E-Mail me! I want this to be something everyone can take part in and if I can help you to take part I am more than willing to help you.

Masterpiece Arabians

E-Mail: Monique