Masterpiece Arabians
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Year End Awards

Previous Winners
The Awards

Welcome to the Year End Awards page. Every year in December we acknowledge the hardwork, effort and obsticles a horse has overcome in the previous year.
These awards are something that every member strives their horses to reach. To have been acknowledged for their efforts, talents, perserverience is a huge honour.
Horses that win these awards are not judged on how many points they earn, rather they are judged on the quality of what they have produced or the exceptional year they have had.
All horses in Horse Venture have a chance at these awards for each year, each horse starts off at the same point. We do not judge the horses on achievements from previous years or previous years of hard work. We are interested in how the horse has grown and perservired this past year.

Let me put it in another way to clarrify any confusion. If your broodmare gave birth to 6 foals in her lifetime and none of them have accomplished anything significant in the past year than a broodmare that has given birth to two foals in the last year and both those foals have earned their CH ~ Champion title; the broodmare that will win the broodmare award will be the one with two foals not six for the broodmare has shown that she has passed on something to her foals that have made them achieve more than any other broodmare's foals have.

Here is another example. If your broodmare has eight foals, 2 of which were born the past year. All the foals are actively competing in shows earning points. VS A broodmare that has given birth to 3 foals 1 of which is in the last year. All of her foals actively participate in shows and have earned the same amount of points per foal as per foal of the 8 foals from the other broodmare. 1 of the foals from the broodmare that has 3 has given birth and that foal earned a year end award the previous year or was declared a show champion/reserve champion at a show. Then this second broodmare would earn the award for we are looking for quality not quantity when choosing broodmare or stud of the year.

These awards are not given out because your horse has earned points. That is what the title scale of CH, GCH, SCH... is for. These awards are to celebrate the accomplishments that a horse has done as well as obsticles that horse has overcome.
Example. Stud of the year is just that stud of the year. We do not look at that stallions points at all That means we do not want his title of CH, GCH, WCH, UNCH when he is nominated. We are interested in his titles of Superior Stud ~ SS and Proven Stud ~ PS But these titles only mean something to me IF they are accomplished in the last year.
When nominating your horse for an award bear in mind what the pre-requisites are for each award. If you are applying for a couple of awards I do not want to see the same write up for the two different awards. For each award is different.

DO NOT think your horse won't win an award. Last year numerous awards has one nomination so with nothing else to choose from that horse won!

Each nomination is taken seriously. Since I am the veterinarian I am aware of what foals have been born as well as what disasters a horse has overcome within the last year.

How a disaster may benefit you...

A disaster is something that your horse has overcome. If a horse took a bad fall (requiring aging, stitches, gelding, no longer able to show, etc.) caught a serious illness and survived that is something that we are looking for that will make that horse rise above the other nominated horses who only have accomplished earning points. That is proving that they have perservered through hard times without giving up. That is an award winning horse.

Masterpiece Andalusians & Arabians

E-Mail: Monique