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  Latest News...Rylee is SICK!!!

Rylee has come down with a cold!! We are currently hunting down the person or persons who passed the germ along to administer proper decontamination procedures. The procedure is "fairly" painless except for when we have to shoot ethal alcohol under their toenails. If you have seen anyone that is sick, please call the Maloney family so we can send someone after them.

Even with a cold she can still be silly and laugh. Breathing treatments are going well and she is feeling better every day. Hopefully by next week she will be feeling all better. Click on the link to see more pictures of Rylee!! More Pix

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Latest Maloney Happenings!!

Rylee will be four months old on Feb 17th. She is growing like a bean. Everything has been good except for the cold she got...but she is doing a lot better.

We are so very blessed with Rylee's daycare provider, Rebecca. She is absolutely wonderful with Rylee!! Rebecca treats Rylee like she were her own and Rylee has made five new friends. It is sad to drop her off in the morning but we know she is in good hands when she can not be with us. It is also a joy to pick her up in the see the smile on her face is just wonderful!!

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