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You might not be aware of it, but commerce turned you already into a money addict - you can't live without money anymore.

Just try to live for two weeks without money - the withdrawal symptoms will be extremely painful. If you don't know how to grow your own money, you have to offer yourself to commerce as a slave to ease the pain.


Money is an unnatural substance that makes you feel good if it's supplied in high quantities. It is just an idea and as all ideas it is not visible, but it changes the habits of humans. If people act in strange ways as never before there must be some new ideas around. To an increasing number of people the idea of money seems to be more attractive than the idea of god or democracy. In a sort, money became the new global god to be worshipped.
To make money visible we manufacture papers and coins with numbers on them. Today money exists in computer storage as ones and zeros and is mainly distributed electronically. This makes it much easier to handle in future. Soon most of the money circulation will happen through the Internet. When all money resides in a universal accessible Internet, banks will be obsolete. Financial Infrastructure Servers will efficiently distribute financial bits and bytes of the right amount to the right address at the right time.

The most interesting feature of money is financial gravity:

  • Every unit of money has its own financial gravity.
  • The field of financial gravity gets stronger when more units of money combine.
  • Larger bodies of money have stronger forces to attract more money.

It works like the solar system:
A stable system evolved from individual units of matter controlled by the gravity of a central large object.
Money will take the same way, the central largest pool of money could be the world government controlling a planetary system of large enterprises through the force of financial gravity. All minute or uncontrollable bodies of money will inevitably end up in a larger body. This is a typical monetary system for
wealth creation. It means, the amount of money common people hold will be more and more insignificant - making it easier for commerce to enslave people. This will happen over the next decades if the emphasis on wealth creation of our present monetary system is not changed.

The basic function of money today, is to improve the exchange of goods and services. We could exchange goods and services without money but that would be very inefficient. It would be like a car engine without oil. Like an engine runs most efficient with the right level of oil, society runs most efficient with the right amount of money.
The lower the oil level gets, the greater the surface without protection of the lubricant, resulting in increased friction and growing inefficiency. In money terms: the more entities without financial liquidity the less efficient society gets.
The facts today show that globally many entities suffer from insufficient liquidity.

Two separate monetary systems, one for humanity and one for commerce would benefit humans. Commercial entities are run to make a profit. If humans have to participate in such a way, it ends up in a destructive rat race as we have it today. There is a need for a new currency only distributed between humans. This currency has to be supplied at a high level of saturation to prevent idle human resources. Banks and commerce form a separate entity with their own national currencies and both of those monetary systems are linked via exchange rate. In that way, humans are sheltered from the exploitative system of commerce. Administration, Health and Education will be together in the non profit monetary system with all individuals. The distinguishing criteria for the additional monetary system will be 'creating beneficial activity' instead of 'creating wealth'.

picture shows distribution of income

YIN: expire at regular intervals to prevent wealth accumulation

BASE INCOME: reduces human cost for commercial activities and frees people from slavery. It acts as a safety net when humans drop out of liquidated corporations that can't survive the fierce competition. Corporations don't need to be subsidized to prevent unemployment.

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