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fLip PrYdE!!

jEs CuM bAcK 5 mOnThS fRuM nOw En We'LL sEe If EnEoNeS gOnNa AcTuaLLy WoRk On DiS sHyT. rYtE nOw WeRe ReALLi BuSy En No OnEs A cOmPuTeR gEnIuS LyKe "ChRiSbErG" tO hELp Us OuT. oR iF u WaNt U cAn EnTeR, bUt Im WaRnIn U,.. iTs NoT dAt GrEaT oR iTs NoT gReAt At aLL, i DuNt ThInK iT'LL eVeR bE gReAt, sO sHoOoTeRz!!

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