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Guild Advice
Created for The Strays (anti-prep) with the help of Chelsea and Tori, But mostly tori, OUCH, chelsea just hit me for sayin that, but it's the truth, OUCH she did it agian!

Welcome to our Advice page! Well, i hope ur happy. We have pain stakenly collected this information for you! We've crossed endless desserts of useless internet information to get you this. Many didn't make it through, but oh well, we didn't like them anyway. We have gone through countless webpages by other guilds to get this info. So you can just sit on ur butt and have US do the work for you! In fact, most of you won't even READ this. Just go strait to the cheats. Well go ahead!! I don't care!!!!Be mean **sniff**, i don't need you! Well i'm babbling. Just on ahead and the the dumb cheats!!!

My Best Tips

These are the tips I have come up with from my expericence with Neopets...

1. The very very best tip I can give anyone is to start a shop! I know that it costs money to start one and to upgrade it (don't make your shop too big, tho! It's just a waste of your money. My shop is size 21 and that's probably even bigger than I need), but, trust me, in the end it pays off if you faithully restock it. Buy items from the main shops where you can get them cheap. Put them into your shop and then go to the Shop Wizard. Look your item up and refresh that about 3 times. Make your item the cheapest price you saw at the shop wizard - this will make your item easy for people to find so your items will sell quickly. If it doesn't sell in a day or two, check the Shop Wizard again to see if your item is overpriced.

2. Open up a bank account. Not only will you get 30 neopoints for doing this, you will also have a great place to keep all your extra money.

3. Get Free Items! ~Every 1/2 hour you can go to the Healing Springs (Located in Faerieland) and if you click on "Heal my Pets" the faerie will either bring your pet up hit points, feed your pet, or give you a healing potion. Put this healing potion in your shop. ~Go to the Omelette in the Plateau section of Tyrannia. You can go there once a day to get a free piece of omelette - put this in your shop. ~Go to the Snowager. Once you know the times he sleeps (which are listed on this page) you know when to go there. Many times you can pick up a good rare items.

4. Do Snow Faerie Quests. But be very careful of which ones you do. Sometimes they are not worth it because she wants you to get her very expensive items. Before you buy anything check how much the items she wants costs. If they are a couple hundred neopoints then it is worth it (the most I will spend for one quest is about 500 np). If you do complete the quest she will reward you with a snowball, a rare item, and neopoints (usually around 350-800). If the items she wants are too expensive just wait until your time will run out. She will always let you do another one after your time runs out.

5. Instead of feeding your pets, send them to the Neolodge. Food for pets can be really expensive. If you send them to the Neolodge it will keep them fed and happy.

6. Check the Stock Market for good deals. I've heard (I'm not totally sure if it's true) that the lowest the stocks will go is 4. So if you see any stocks at that price, stock up! They can go nowhere but up so you're guaranteed to make money. Make sure you always buy stocks low and don't sell them unil they are high.

7. Take advantage of half price day!! On the 3rd of every month all the main neopian shops are 1/2 price! This is a great time to buy many items to put into your shop so you can get even more profit.

8. Watch out for scammers! ~Never give anyone your password to babysit your pets. Send them to the Neolodge instead. It will feed your pets and keep them happy and it's super cheap. ~Sometimes (often times in people's posts in the chat rooms or people's shops) if you click on a link the neopets login page will come up saying you are not logged in. Make sure you are very careful of these! People can copy the page and if you do put in your name and password the person will go into your account and steal all your neopoints. ~You may get a neomail saying that they are the neopets team and they need to fix something in your account or something like that and all they need is for you to send them your password. Do not fall for this. The Neopets Team will never ever ask for your password!!!!!

9. When you have a good amount of neopoints (which you should eventually have if you listen to these tips) you should try out the Wheel of Excitement (located in Faerieland). It does cost 100np to play and sometimes bad things will happen like you only get 50 neopoints or your pet gets sick or zapped, but often you will win a good amount of money. I've won 10,000np about 4-5 times already. And you can often win 200 or even 2000.

Hope it HELPS!!!, (don't forget to sig the guestbook!!)

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WOAH, u really LOVE to scroll huh? Well u found my SECRET place....
This little part at the end, it's my PERSONAL part. I don't know why I added it. But somtimes i just wanna talk. So this is where i will do just that. So here goes.(i'm gonna keep all OLD entrys k? k.)

I just wanna say that I probally won't be writing anymore. Number one a sound like and idiot, but, the biggest reason is, it's too hard to correct myself. Somedays I just feel a certain way, and I try to write it down. Unfrotunently, people can get freaked out, and take it way too seriously. Which you shouldn't. These are just little things I felt like writing, most of them arn't currently true, current status on my life: fine, seriously. Nothing is paticuarlly bad about it. I mnea everyone has problems, just I like to sometimes write it out, you will find that one of my entries is gone, deleted. I'm sick of it. I get sick looking at it. In fact, there are actually two gone, just you never got to read the 2nd. They are ones where I totally spill how I was feeling. It's prbally the reason I have decided to stop doing, this it was written a wile ago, October I think, and it doesn't hold true, and it almost scares me I used to be like that. Cuz I'm not. I'm prefectly happy and normal, I feel fine. My life is fine. So don't this is some phyco girl talking, I just happen to only write on my "off" days.......*sigh* So this is farwell, my futher entries will be relocated to somewhere else, where no one but me knows about. Thanks for listening, and I hope I havn't bored you too much. ^.^ Adiu, Adiu, Adiu

-Tori Starr (Bonnie)

Ok, it's wut? 3 months or 2month la8er. I haven't written in a long time. I never really had anything TO say. I now read this is 8:40 pm. Not exactly late. But I hace read, and reread this past article. And I realize maybe, i shouldn't have done it. I was just angry. I don't talk liek that all the time or anything. Sometime, god forbid, i actually think life is okay. Not at the moment, but i noe there are times. But I have sent this link to others, others who have strong faith in God, and are preps, (yes i have one preppy friend, and she's kewl) Actaully, this all is one person, i won't say her name. Shall I say Madison? She'll noe who she is. And I'm sorry If it offened you. I mean, Yeah, on a whole, life is a terrible thing. In fact, i think I here a quote coming on..."Optimists think this is the best of all possible worlds, the pessimist fears it's true" Also, I went to tthis site on a laptop at my school *gulp* which means the Mr.Heid could be reading this. And there is nothing worse, then your least favorite teacher, going through your stuff. But maybe he isn't smart enough to scroll down. And if he did figure it out, i cant' GET a detention or in trouble becase he didnt' have to read this. And now i'm rambling, but, that's wut i do best. Ciao! (i think that's how ya spell it)

Life Sux. I mean, really, it does. There is nothing i can think of that is good about it. There is tons os dissapointment, and sorrow, and death, and murder, and hurting, and wars, and my god. Why kind of sicko would create people and make em live in sucha crappy place. So for all those religious people out there, God sux. If you honestly belive he is sooo good and kind, WHY did he stick us in this hell hole? I wish that i lived a LONG time ago. A place where honor MEANT somthing. Where, when people were killed, it was, well, for a "good reason" ya noe? I mean, now, they have Students goin postal, and bomb threats all the time. Humans, they suc. Humans suc big time. They are possibley the worst creature on this planet. We should all die out. A big meator, like the dinosaurs. So god, if ur out there, do me this favor. Now let me say,i am NOT sucidal here. Far from it. I mean, think how my family would feel? Why make THEM sucidal? It's a huge cycle. I huge pathetic cycle. Everything is. Nothing matters. So why care?

6/10/01 (i have NO idea if thaqt is the date)
Woah, i haven't writtin in a while. I guess i haven't had much to say u noe? But now i do. OBVIOUSLY, if u have joined this guild, u like it. U like the lil html i have put into it. But, over the past few days, i have been looking at OTHERS webpages. Other guilds homepages. And they literally kick butt. My site SUX compared to theirs. But i don't want u to think that means i can't DO wut they do. It's just that, well. I don't noe wu tu guys want. I'm not good with layouts. I can make a whole big webpage, cuz i don't noe wut to put in it. I could do it. I relly could! I guess, well. I feel so dumb. I mean, i noe all this html. And i have no way to use it. I noe i'm just making excusees. But PLEASE, just tell me WUT u want me to put it in. PLEASE. God, this is PATHETIC. Will u listen to me? ARGH....

6/5/01 (i'm sure this is the right dat this time)
I want to get somthing strait. Althoguht I may act like one, and talk like one. I'm not a prep. I mean, i GUESS i started this guild to prove that. Lot's of people think i'm a prep. Well, I'm NOT. Adrinne, she's a prep. Little miss perfect student, strait A's, wears shorts and skirts to school, how freaky is that. I noe u guys don't really know me. I guess i'm just writing this to explain to me. U noe? I ALWAYS wear jeans. The same looking jeans. I have 2 pair of jeans. Same brand, same exact replica's of each other. I wear long tee-shirts so when we have to tuck them in (this gya rule at our school) i can pullit over, so it doesn't look like it's tucked in, but it still is. I never wear sleeveless shirts. Tank tops, shirts that show my belly, anything like that. No low-cut. Just normal tee-shirts. Anything I find laying on my floor that looks clean. I CAN act preppy, i noe. I don't mean too. I have a reputaion for being annoying. I've stoped a lil bit though. I do have the tendicy to start to sing theme songs. And i love cartoons. And the thing i hate the most. I'm a weakling. I'm NOT tough. I always wished I was althetic and strong. Wished I could beat people up if i wanted. Not to say OUCH whenever i get hit. Even hits that arn't sopssed to hurt. I also can't stand scary. No scary movies, scary books i get freaked out by Zelda. And that's pretty sad. I'm also in Tv Drama, which i can let of my creative energy out. Usally by acting the worst part. I mean, if i don't do it, no one will. I'll do anything. I was Jan for grease, I played this rich snob in a hillbily play. I'll do anything. But i'm not a total prep acting kid. Usally, when not in my overly happy moods, I act normal. I'm proud that i get in trouble. I hate athoutity. It's descrimination against younger people. (don't question authority, they don't know either) sorry, i love that. I patition rules i dislike. I get up and yell at teachers if she piss me off alot. I screamed at the vice prinicpal to go F*ck off in the bus loop cuz he wouldn't let me ride Chelsea's bus home. I get detentions, ISS, and everything. I can write best when I am angry. So i do. I write long 2 page letters explaining to a teacher WHY i shouldn't have gotton in trouble. Usally, i just get in worse trouble thogh.....I know to mst of you this must sound really gay. I mean, woohoo, this lil girl does "mean" stuff. But to me it IS a big deal. I mean, if it weren't for me being me, i WOULD be a prep. I have done everything in my power to stop. To NOT be a prep. And i'm not. Like today in Math. I was sitting at my desk. One leg on the bars under my desk, the other on the ground. My elbow on my knee, with my head in my hand. And i looked around. No one looked like me. They all sat there with their legs crossed, neatly in front of them, and stuff. I realized I was differnt, and i loved it. I LOVE being differnt. I'm on the boarder line of Prep and Non-prep and i love it. I'm unlike ANYONE you will ever meet. And i'm proud of that. Because that's me. I'm just chillen in a world where everyone is worrying about getting good grades and not getting in trouble. I just relized how much i like it. To be different. I mean, when I started writing, i felt terrible about it. And now i feel great. I love this whole online notebook. It's not revised or anything. I'm not reading over and correcting anything. And reader, whoever you are, i hope i'm not TOO boring. I have so much to write. Once i start, it's hard to stop. I'm looking forward to tomorrow! TTYL!!!

6/5/01 (is that the date?)
I just wanna start off by saying, that, as much as I hate to admit it, Tori is NOT my real name. I love that name, and use it all the time, but the truth must come out. My name's Bonnie. Sucky name huh? I thought so. So i changed it. Whenever i do ANYHTING i say my name is tori. So please call me that and NOT bonnie. Now these dolls we make. I noe they look kewl and everything (well i think they do) you can do it. It's not hard. I have alot of dolls sites. I just change the colors, designs, mix-match heads and make them look good and personalized. So i DO relaly make them, just not exactly. And from now on, I'm gonna mkae MY dolls (a.e. dolls that look like me) with green hair. WHY? Cuz that is my dream. To dye me hair green. I'd LOVE it. But unfortunently, mom said I can only dye my hair NATURAL colors, go figure.....But soon, I will have it all. My name WILL be Tori and I will have green hair. I'm also gonna be in a band. I can't play as of yet. But me and my friends are gonna start one in highschool (we're in 7th) We're gonna call it the strays. That's how we came up witht he name for the guild. I'm gonna play Bass Guitar. Chelsea's gonna be drums (I rather play drums, but hey, Chelsea got there first) and our other firned Patrish will play keyboard. We still need a lead guitar. I would play it but, i can't sing. Well, u noe. I can't sing pretty. I can sing fast though. My fave songs are those that sing really fast and everyone else has no idea wut the guy is saying, but I'm singin along with him. I sing kinda low, notlike a bass or nuttin, but i CANNOT hit any notes over a regular g. Pretty sad. I can sing alot of guy songs. U noe. I listen to 95.7, alternitive rock (that's wut our band is gonna play) and alot of those songs i can sing, cuz they are mostly guy songs. The song that is playing right now is All My Best Friends are MetalHeads, by Less then Jake. I LOVE this song. Ever since I heard it off of my Digimon soundtrack cd. I'm crazy bout digimon by the way, and pokemon, AND sailormoon. Not to mention countless other cartoons. I'm like that. I love cartoons. They kick. I ecpesially like As Told By Ginger on Nickelodean (how DO you spell that?) WOW, look at all this. I sure have wrote alot. I guess stop before i TOTALLY bore u. So I will write again!! TTYL