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Luv My Script's Help Page

How To Snag and Clean Scripts Made Easy

I know how many of you find it hard to grasp how to do this and I myself had a time of it when I first started out.

The first thing to remember when snagging a script is to try the ones that look like they might be easy. Many times you will find some that just won't do anything right so you will just have to put that one up and try another one.

First thing to do is Snag the script. This can be done with the script open that you want to snag and then hit your CTRL and F2 at the same time. This should put it on your notepad or you can choose to just do the select all copy and paste if you would prefer.

Now put this in Notepad. You will see alot of confusing parts now as well as parts that you know. I am putting the parts that come out in color for you. Notice that I am taking out the META and BASE tags. We don't want these in our clean script. Make sure you don't take out anything else here and all the closing arrows are there.

(!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN") (HTML)(HEAD)(TITLE>Wavy Edge(/TITLE) (META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252")(BASE href="file://C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\") (STYLE)(/STYLE)

(META content="MSHTML 5.50.4613.1700" name=GENERATOR)(/HEAD) (BODY text=black vLink=#660066 aLink=red link=blue bgColor=#000000 background=cid:008701c0e3f9$b9caa040$b6c533cf@tylerm) (DIV) (/DIV) (DIV)(BGSOUND balance=0 src="cid:008801c0e3f9$b9caa040$b6c533cf@tylerm" volume=0

Notice that in blue I have highlighted where our image is going to be. If you read the first line it has a background. Ok, all you need to do here is after the = sign is change that to read "C:/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Stationery/your image here.jpg")Or whatever your path might be. Same way with the Bgsound line.

I hope this has helped you and if you have any questions feel free to email me.

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Wav Compression help

Jacinda's Place - nice tutorials and scripts

Joy's Site - Tons of PSP help and scripts

Letterman Stationery - Find the newest scripts here as well as help with just about everything related to scripting!

Midi File Search Engine

Wav File Search Engine

NoteTab Light - Great replacement for NotePad. Save steps, see your work in your web browser before saving it to Outlook!

Pat's Place - Tons of clean scripts, pages load slowly

Email: Turbo