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Sunday July 8, 2001 @ 10:45 p.m

Hey everyone!
How do you like the new butterfly layout? I saw the graphic and really wanted it for my layout! I got my report card FINALLY *sigh*. I am now officially in secondary 2! I passed! What a relief! And, in math, my worst subject on the final exam I got 92%, I'm so happy! I'll be in the states July 15 to July 22 on vacation, I'll be going to the state of Massachusetts a great state! I can't wait! I love it over there espceially staying near the beach, hopefully it's hotter over there then here in Canada, cause it has rained for days. I'll try to update this site before I leave for Massachusetts


  • Add me to your MSN messenger contact list if you want to chat sometime my e-mail is:
  • I'm feeling Julia's current mood