Title: "Mulder's Worst Fear" Author: Jessie Harris (Agent Leki) E-mail: AgentLeki_1013@yahoo.com and TheDamnBee@juno.com Rating: PG Spoilers: "Hollywood AD" (minor ones), "Quagmire," "The Host," "El Mundo Gira," "Squeeze/Tooms" Category: Post "Hollywood AD" Content: Humor, Mulder/Scully Friendship Archive: PLEASE ERIKA! :) Everyone else please ask and keep my name and disclaimers attached. Feedback: If you don't send it I'll have to beat you with my pogo stick! *grin* Summary: What if Scully found out Mulder's worst fear and almost died laughing? Notes: This is in reply to the January fanfic challenge on Church of X. The story had to be either a missing scene from "Duane Barry/Ascention/One Breath" or another episode in Season 2, or it had to be a fic on a character's worst fear. Guess which one I picked? :) Disclaimer: Mulder+Scully=Chris Carter. I only borrowed them from the Almighty Surfer Dude! I PROMISE I'll return them at some point! (I don't know when though... seems how it seems I've been writing a lot of fanfic lately!) Having just got back from their little trip to California to see the movie "The Lazarus Bowl," Special Agents Mulder and Scully couldn't get enough of having fun together. Instead of going home to spend the rest of the beautiful Saturday at home, Mulder found himself following Scully to the Maryland State Fair. "Mulder," Scully said and took a sip of her soda. "What do you say we ride the Ferris Wheel?" Mulder glanced up at the intimidating height of the ride. "Uh... I think I'll pass on that one, Scully, but I'll hold your drink while you ride." He smiled at her. Scully quirked an eyebrow at him. "You're not afraid of heights are you?" "No. I just don't think the thought of being suspended in the air a hundred feet to be appeasing to my full stomach." He gave her a matter-of-fact smirk. "Oh, come on, Mulder. It'll be fun." She grinned as she pulled him toward the growing line that looked like a centipede with all the outstretched arms of children pointing up to the ride. "For you, maybe." he replied. "Don't be such a baby, Mulder." "Fine, but only this once." he agreed. The two agents waited in line for nearly twenty minutes before being ushered towards the little car they'd be riding in. When Mulder felt his stomach turn from the thought of going up to the top of the wheel he looked at Scully. "I've changed my mind, Scully. I don...." Mulder didn't even get a chance to finish his protest as Scully nearly ripped his arm off pulling him into the Ferris Wheel car. The ride operator closed the door, and a few moments later they were being lifted into the air. Mulder sat there clutching the wheel in the center of their round Ferris Wheel car that was used to make their car spin in circles as they were suspended in air. His eyes were shut so tight it looked as if someone super-glued them shut. "Mulder... it's not THAT bad." Scully said with a smirk. "Easy for you to say. Your stomach isn't about to explode!" he quipped. "It's not my fault you ate seven hot dogs!" Mulder opened his eyes and glared at her. After what seemed like a millennium, or maybe more, to Mulder, they finally reached the ground. Mulder literally jumped out of the car before the ride operator even had the chance to open the door for them. Seeing Mulder's reaction, Scully got out of the car barely able to contain her laughter. Somehow she managed to suppress it though. "Hey, Scully... let's go ride the bumper cars." Mulder said with an impish grin. "Why do I have the feeling this is an act of revenge, Mulder?" she said as Mulder dragged her to the line. "Agent Scully, I would never!" Mulder said, that evil grin never once leaving his face. On their way to the line for the bumper cars Scully spotted something. "Mulder, look..." she pointed, "It's a..." Scully never got the chance to finish her statement before she heard the most horrendous screaming of a child coming from her left. --End of part 1-- Upon hearing the screaming of horror next to her, Scully looked over to find that the screams were not those of a child, but of her very own partner and friend, Mulder. "Mulder?" she said. "Mulder, what's wrong?" Scully looked around to see just about everyone at the park staring at them. She glanced back at Mulder, who was still screaming like a little kid who'd just seen a spider on their bed. He was pointing at something. She followed his finger and burst out laughing when she seen the object of his horror. Mulder looked at her and cried, "It's not funny!" That only made Scully laugh harder. After calming herself she looked at Mulder again. "How the hell would something like that make you scream like a child?" Mulder pouted. "I did not scream like a child, Scully." "You did so! Mulder, that's the funniest thing I've *ever* heard!" Scully almost burst out laughing again, but caught herself. "You are such a child!" "I am not!" he cried. "You are so!" The object of Mulder's horror came towards them and Mulder made a run for it, screaming and flailing his arms. "It's going to get me, Scully!!!!!" Scully ran after him, trying her best not to start laughing again. A few moments later, Scully caught up with him. The two of them stood there for a moment catching their breath. She looked up at him just in time to see his face go pale and his body go stiff in shock. --End of part 2-- "Mulder, what's wrong?" Scully asked. "They're EVERYWHERE, Scully!" He pointed to her left. Scully looked in the direction Mulder pointed. Sure enough, there was another one. "Mulder, you remind me of what my nephew did when he first sat on Santa's lap at the age of TWO!" She giggled. "It's not funny, Scully!" "It is! Mulder, how is it that dark mysterious men with guns, flukemen, goat suckers, vampires, liver-eating mutants, and zombies don't scare you, but THAT does?!" "Scully, that's not an ordinary thing! It's a MONSTER!" Scully rolled her eyes at him. "You're impossible, Mulder." "I'm telling you, Scully... those things have razor sharp teeth and thrive off of ripping you to shreds and eating you while you're still alive!" he said with definite seriousness on his face. "Whatever, Mulder." she said. "If that's true, then why aren't all the people here being ripped apart?" "Because..." he whispered as he leaned close to her and looked around to make sure no one was listening. "He's in disguise. But *I* know his secret." Scully burst out laughing when suddenly a dark shadow was cast over Scully. The shadow reached out and placed a hand on Scully's shoulder. Mulder's eyes went wide in horror and the next thing Scully knew... Mulder fainted at her feet. --End of part 3-- Scully swirled around when she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. When she saw what was behind her she smiled at it. "Sorry, he's not into these kind of things." She knelt down beside Mulder and shook him lightly. "Mulder... come on, get up." A few seconds later Mulder came to. Mulder glanced around with a paranoid look and noticed that the thing was now gone. Mulder leapt to his feet. "Let's get outta here, Scully!" he exclaimed. "Yes, Mulder, let's." Scully had had enough of Mulder going bizerk over such a childish thing. Once in the car, Scully suddenly burst out laughing harder than ever. She sounded like a hyena cackling in the wind, Mulder thought. "It's not nice to make fun of people's fears, Scully." Mulder pouted. "I can't help it, Mulder. That was just odd." She smiled. "When am I not odd?" There was a pause before Mulder spoke up again. "Ever since my friends made me watch that one movie in college... I've had a terrible phobia that they were out to get me." he said with mock seriousness. "Mulder," she rolled her eyes. "You think *everyone* is out to get you." She said with a smile. The same kind of almost laughing smile that she gave him in California when he suggested that zombies got up and danced and made love before feeding. She had told him "Mulder, you do realize that there are no real zombies out there, right? That this is a movie set?" and he had replied with, "The dead are everywhere, Scully." "That's beside the point. I just go nuts when I see them." he said softly. "Obviously!" Scully smirked. Mulder sneered at her in response. "So... were you talking about that movie by Stephen King?" she asked, putting on her seat belt. "Yeah, that's the one." he said with a heavy sigh. "Mulder, it was only a movie." She looked out the windshield and started the car. "That's what YOU think! Your pet Schnauzer didn't get eaten by one of those things!" "No, Mulder, it didn't. But my pet Pomeranian got eaten by a crocodile..." "Scully, that's not the same thing." "It's the same concept." There was a silence for a minute or two as Scully headed towards Mulder's place, then Scully burst out suddenly, "For God's sake, Mulder, it was a CLOWN!" and she burst out laughing. "So?" he replied in a small voice. --End-- PLEASE tell me what you think! :) (I'll respond faster if you e-mail me at AgentLeki1013@aol.com or TheDamnBee@juno.com)