Title: Happy Birthday Ms Scully Author: FBIAgent Summary: It is Scully's birthday and Mulder takes her away for the weekend. Will she get the present that she wants? Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 Category: MSR All this information and the disclaimer are on the fanfic. Hope it makes it into the Church of X fanfic archive!! Thanks. Kristy M Member #651 Official Decipher of Episode Titles HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS SCULLY By FBIAgent Disclaimer: The characters of Mulder and Scully do not belong to me. That honour goes to the legendary Chris Carter, as well as David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, who give the characters their heart and soul. I am just borrowing them for a while Chris, I promise they'll be home before the street lights come on! Spoilers: none that I am aware of Rating: Parts One & Two - PG-13. Part Three - NC-17 Classification: MSR (Mulder/Scully Romance) Summary: It is Scully's birthday and Mulder takes her away for the weekend. Will she get the present that she wants? Distribution: Anywhere as long as you let me know where, the story remains the same, and my name and e-mail address remain attached. Thanks. Authors Note: I have been reading fanfic for a long time, and have recently started to write my own. This is the first one I have built up the courage to submit, so please send me feeback and tell me what you thought. Please send all feedback to ratgirl78@hotmail.com I love receiving e-mail and I love writing x-f fanfic. So please write to me and tell me what you thought of it. Helpful criticism will be accepted, but I'd really like to hear compliments if possible!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS SCULLY By Ratgirl Scully awoke with a start. She rolled over and looked at her alarm clock. 6:54am on a Friday morning. Why did she always wake up before her alarm? It kind of defeated the purpose of having one. She dragged herself out of bed and headed for the shower. "Aaahhhh!! Damn it!" She shivered as the water suddenly turned cold. The damn pipes in her building had been playing up lately, and for no rhyme or reason her water temperature would suddenly either burn or freeze her. She shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and stepped out of the shower. She was towelling off when she heard a knock at the door. [Gee I wonder who that could be] She threw on a robe and walked out to answer it. It was of course Mulder. "Hey Scully. Love the robe. It's very you." Oh great, he was in one of those moods. Most mornings she liked Mulder like this, happy and cute, acting like a smart ass. But this morning she was not in the mood for it. "Bite me, Mulder." [oh shit, why did I say that] But there was no quick response this time. She looked over and saw him biting his lower lip. Like I good boy he was restraining himself. She knew it was killing him. She flashed him a quick smile and went to grab some coffee. "So what are you doing here Mulder?" "I woke up early, as usual, and didn't feel like going in to an empty office. I thought I'd come over here and cheer up your morning." "Well, aren't you a regular ray of sunshine." She had meant to say that jokingly, but it didn't really come out in the nicest possible way. He looked kind of hurt. "I'm sorry, Mulder. You did brighten my morning, I swear. Now grab yourself some coffee, I'm gonna go and put on some clothes before a catch a cold." She flashed him another smile and headed into the bedroom. Wow, two smiles from Scully in the space of ten minutes. This must really be my day. I am usually lucky to get one for the whole day. He hoped to get another one once she found out the reason he had come over. Scully re-appeared a few minutes later to find Mulder sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee. When he saw her coming he picked another cup up off the table and handed it to her. "I made you one too." "Thanks." She sat down opposite him on the couch. They sat there for a few moments in silence, drinking their coffees, not talking or looking at each other. It was Scully who broke the silence. "So Mulder, why did you really come over here?" [damn, she knows me too well] He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out two airline tickets. He handed them to her. "Happy Birthday Scully." "Mulder, this is two airline tickets to Florida." "Gee, those observational skills of yours are fully functional aren't they Scully." She looked up at his face, meaning to look angry at him. But when she saw the cute grin he was wearing she couldn't help but smile. "You're taking me away for the weekend?" "Yep. Fun in the sun for three glorious days, staying at a beautiful resort right on the beach." "Mulder .. I can't let you do this." "Scully, I will not take no for an answer. This is your birthday present. Come on, I am trying to make up for all the ones I have missed." Scully scooted over to him and engulfed him in a hug, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Mulder." He smiled. "Your welcome. Now get your butt moving, our flight leaves in a few hours." "Yes sir." "I'm gonna go home and pack, I'll pick you up in an hour, okay?" "Sure." He was halfway out the door when she heard him call out. "Don't forgot your itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!" She didn't know exactly what Mulder was up to or what he was thinking. Well, maybe she did. She knew what she was thinking .. that Mulder was the nicest guy in the world .. oh, and she wanted to see him in his red speedos. ******************************* The plane trip to Florida had been eventful to say the least. As usual, Mulder had taken an aisle seat in order to stretch out his long legs. Scully had the middle seat next to him, the window seat was taken up by an older lady who spent the flight engrossed in a book or asleep. About halfway through the flight, Scully was trying to read the case file. She suddenly felt a head fall onto her shoulder. She looked down to see Mulder had fallen over onto her. His legs still sprayed out into the aisle. His hand soon followed his head, and fell over onto her thigh. He murmured something and then snuggled himself closer. That was all she could take - she shrugged her shoulder, causing him to wake up suddenly. He looked up. "What?" "You fell asleep on my shoulder." "Oh .. sorry." (Mulder then noticed his hand was on her thigh) "I'm sorry Scully." (he took it away) [so I am Mulder .. sorry you took your hand away] [stop it Dana!] Scully missed the feel of him when he removed his hand. She would say that he looked downright embarassed. He turned away from her very quickly, sticking his head into a book. They were at the Miami airport, Scully waiting with the bags while Mulder hired a car. He came back soon later and they loaded their bags into the waiting Ford Taurus. Mulder offered to drive, as Scully looked a bit tired. She wasn't able to sleep on the plane like he could. She was happy for the break and thanked him. She fell asleep in the car, leaving Mulder alone with the open road. THE FLORIDA BEACH SEASIDE RESORT, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Hi, I'm Fox Mulder. This is Dana Scully. We'd like to check in please." "Certainly sir." Scully looked around the lobby of the resort. It was unbelievable. They were right on the beach, and the hotel itself was absolutely gorgeous. Mulder had certainly outdone himself this time. "Alright Scully, let's go." She turned back to find Mulder standing there with two keys. He handed one to her. Rooms 356 and 357. "I got us adjoining rooms .. just like always." He gave her one of his smouldering Mulder smiles. "Great." She returned his smile and took the key from him, tingling as she brushed her fingertips against his. They followed the bellboy up to their rooms, where he deposited their bags and Mulder gave him a tip. She was unpacking when she heard a knock on the door. [knock, knock] "What is it Mulder?" "Can I come in?" "Yeah sure." Mulder opened the connecting door and stepped into Scully's room. She had her suitcase opened on the bed, and she was neatly piling her clothes into the wardrobe and drawers. "You finished unpacking Mulder? Or did you just throw everything in the drawers?" "Yes and yes." She smiled and went back to her suitcase. "Listen Scully, I'm going to grab a shower and then how bout we check out the food and entertainment in this place." "Sounds great." He flashed her a smile and walked back into his room. He didn't shut the connecting door behind him. She heard him rustling around in his room and then wander into the bathroom. Scully finished her unpacking and decided to shower and change herself. She wandered into the bathroom to check it out. She wandered back out to grab her robe, and as she did she happened to glance through the connecting door into Mulder's room. The sight before her made her gasp. Special Agent Fox Mulder. Dripping wet. Running his fingers through his tussled hair. Dressed only in a rather small hotel towel. He turned so his back was to her. She watched the muscles in his back as he dried his hair with another towel. She grabbed her robe and rushed into her own bathroom, not wanting to let Mulder know she had been looking at him like that. She stripped naked and stood under the cold water. God, he looked so good. She had wanted to run in there and grab his ass, throw him down on the bed, and ride him like a horse. Mulder dropped the towel and slipped on a pair of boxers. He smiled to himself. He knew Scully had been staring at him when he came out of the bathroom, he knew that she would. He wanted her to. But that was only the beginning of what he wanted. And it was only the beginning of Scully's birthday present. ******************************************* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS SCULLY By Ratgirl Summary: It is Scully's birthday and Mulder takes her away for the weekend. Will she get the present that she wants? Part Two (PG-13) Scully emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a robe and drying her hair with a towel. "Jesus Mulder!" He had just taken 5 years off her life. He was lying flat out on her bed, propped up against the headboard with pillows. He was wearing boxers and nothing else. "Hello Scully." [oh he is so doing this on purpose] "What the hell are you doing in here Mulder?" "I didn't know what to wear. I wanted to ask you for your expert opinion." She smiled. He looked so cute sitting there that she couldn't get mad at him for too long. She held out her hand and he took it, she pulled him up off the bed and then shoved him into his own room. "Alright, Mr. Mulder, what are your plans for the evening?" "Well, I was going to take my dear partner out for dinner and dancing .. if of course that is acceptable to her." "Oh I think that'll be fine." "So, what do I wear?" Scully opened up Mulder's wardrobe, scanning for an appropriate outfit. A few minutes later she had an outfit laid out on the bed for him. She smiled and went to go and get dressed herself. "Scully?" "Yes Mulder." "Since you picked out my outfit .. " "Not a chance Mulder." "Just checking." She shut the connecting door behind her this time. She didn't think her heart (or anything else for that matter) could take seeing Mulder near-naked again. [not now anyway] She now scanned her own wardrobe and drawers, eventually deciding on a simple black dress, that was both elegant and a little sexy. She was putting on her shoes when there was a knock on the door. "Come in Mulder." "What do you think?" She looked up from her feet and over at Mulder. She smiled. He was standing in the doorway. He had put on the exact outfit that she had picked out for him, exactly. He was wearing black jeans, a white collared shirt and his black leather jacket. He looked like a model .. no, he just looked damn hot. "Very nice Mulder." "You too, Scully. Very, very nice." She knew she was blushing. "Ready to go G-Woman?" "Certainly G-Man." He held out his arm and she linked hers through it. They went downstairs and found the restaurant. It was still early evening so it was not too crowded. Scully looked over at Mulder. "So what are we doing after dinner?" "That is a surprise." Mulder spoke to the waiter who then lead them to a booth over in the far corner. It was nice and quiet, private and well .. romantic. She took her seat across from Mulder and looked at him. He was smiling, and he had that twinkle in his eye that she had not seen for a long time. "You okay, Scully?" She reached across the table and took his hand in hers. "Oh yeah, I'm just fine." They sat in near silence throughout dinner. They weren't uncomfortable with each other. They were just enjoying the company and the food, and being away from work and all their problems. They were just Fox and Dana, two people, two friends, enjoying some time together. Except they both knew that there was more to it than simple friendship. They had finished their dinner and a whole bottle of wine when the band began to play. Mulder knew he wasn't the greatest dancer in the world, but the thought of Scully pressed up against him .. [maybe this ain't a good idea] "Scully, would you like to dance?" Scully looked at Mulder as he extended his hand to her. How could she resist him when he looked like that .. and when she had the opportunity to press up close to him .. [dancing, Dana .. not .. you know] [sorry] "I'd love to Mulder." "Shall we." She took his hand and he lead her to the dance floor where several other couples were grooving along to the sounds of the live music. As it was a fast song, Mulder and Scully kept a safe distance, occasionally brushing up against each other in their movements. Then, the band began to play a slow number. Around them, the other couples drifted into each others arms. Mulder looked at Scully and open his arms to her. She smiled and moved in close. His right hand held her left to his chest, and his left was around her waist. Her right hand snaked around his waist. They gently swayed in time to the music, enjoying the feel of each other and the closeness. As the song ended, Scully moved her hand around the back of his neck and looked up into those hazel eyes that so often drew her to him. Now was no different. She pulled his head down and their lips drew closer and closer .. "Hey you two, the songs over, the band is taking a break." They broke away from their near kiss to see some nerdy guy in glasses staring back at them. If looks could kill that guy would have been ten feet deep. "Scully, you want to take a walk along the beach?" "Sure." He took her hand and led her through the lobby and out to the front of the hotel. They walked along the shore for a short while to get away from the other tourists. They found a nice quiet spot away from the others. Scullly took off her shoes and paddled in the shallow water. Mulder couldn't help but smile as he saw her play around like a child. It reminded him so much of Samantha that he nearly began to cry. [hey Fox, you are here with Dana Scully on a deserted beach ..] "Come on Mulder, are you coming in, or are you chicken?" She was teasing him and he could tell that she was enjoying it. [right, time to have a little fun] Mulder slid off his jacket, then his shoes and socks. Scully's mouth gaped open as she watched him remove his t-shirt and then his jeans. He stood before her in nothing but his boxer shorts. "Time for a night-time dip Scully." He walked in towards her, and then took her by surprise by picking her up into his arms. "Mulder .." That was the warning tone, but she wasn't being altogether serious. But to be on the safe side, he put her down in the water. "Come on Scully, don't you want to swim with me?" "Mulder, I'll get my dress wet." "I can fix that." He took a hold of her shoulders and spun her around so her back was to him. He placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder blade, causing her to shiver. Then he slowly slid down the zipper on her dress, and then proceeded to lift it over her head. He went and placed it with his own discarded clothes. He turned back and was taken aback by the sight before him. Scully had ducked down into the water, and was just standing up when he turned back. She ran her hands through her now wet hair. It was a fantasy come true .. Dana Scully standing there wet and half-naked. He was drawn to her. He sauntered back into the water, and placed his hands on her hips. "Dana .." She smiled. He knew that she loved it when he called her that. "Yes Mulder." She however knew better than to call him Fox. "May I kiss you." She blushed at how sweet he was .. asking her permission. "If you don't I am going to drown you." She smiled again. This time the smile was followed by her arms trailing along Mulder's chest, before ending up draped around his neck. He leant down and planted a soft, whispery kiss on her lips. He paused for a moment, making sure that this is what she wanted. But there were no doubts in either of their minds now. This was right. He kissed her again, this time with more urgency and desire. She parted her lips allowing his tongue access to her mouth. She brushed her own tongue along his full lower lip, causing him to moan. As much as he hated to, he pulled away. "Scully, as much as I am enjoying this, if we don't head somewhere a bit more private I am afraid I might do something that could get us arrested." "You're right." "Oooh, I'll treasure those words." She slapped him lightly on the chest. For some reason he found it arousing. But as this stage anything Scully did was arousing to him. They walked slowly out of the water and re-dressed themselves. It took longer than usual because Mulder felt the need to plant kisses down Scully's back as he zipped her up. Eventually they composed themselves enough to head back to the hotel. *************************************** ATTENTION, THE NEXT PART OF THIS STORY IS RATED NC-17. FROM READING THE STORY SO FAR I THINK YOU CAN GUESS WHY. SO, IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY THAT TYPE OF THING, PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE. I THINK YOU CAN GUESS HOW IT TURNS OUT. HOWEVER, THE STORY WILL CONTINUE AFTER THE SEX SCENE, SO BEGIN AGAIN AT CHAPTER FOUR. THANKS. *************************************** HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS SCULLY By Ratgirl Summary: It is Scully's birthday and Mulder takes her away for the weekend. Will she get the present that she wants? Part Three (NC-17) They made it to the elevator before the arousal once again reached its peak. They were the only occupants, so they took the time to engage in a bit of good old-fashioned necking. They had almost reached their floor when the doors slid open and an older couple appeared. Mulder and Scully looked up in embrassment. Scully's dress was riding high up her thigh, Mulder's belt was undone, and they both were clearly very hot. To their credit, the elderly couple remained composed. "We'll get the next one done." With that, the doors closed, leaving them alone once more. Mulder could not help but laugh at that. He knew how it must have looked. Scully too was laughing as hard as he was. They reached the door to Mulder's room (it was closest) and fumbled for the door key. Of course, its hard to get a key out of your pocket when a particularly sexy redhead is undoing your fly and sliding her hands into the nether regions. "Scully, you are going to pay for that." "Oooh I'm countin' on it Mulder." The door swung open and Mulder led Scully into the room. Without hesitation, he slammed the door closed and pushed her up against it, running one hand up her thigh and the other one reached around the back of her neck. He pulled her into a firery passionate kiss, his tongue delving deep into her mouth, wanting, needing to taste all of her. His hand found its way to her inner thigh, and she found herself unconsciously spreading her legs a little wider to accommodate him. He took the hint and she felt his fingers begin rhythymically rubbing against her, elciting a moan. "Oh Mulder .. Mulder .." She shoved his jacket off his shoulders and onto the floor. She needed to feel his skin against hers now. His hand left her warm, wet center just long enough to strip his shirt off himself. He then reached around to once again undo her zipper, letting the dress fall to the floor. He scooped her up into his arms and walked her towards the bed. "Damn!" Scully couldn't help laughing as Mulder yelled out after hitting his leg on the chair. "You know Scully, that's two I have to get you back for now." "Maybe I should keep building on that tally." He carried her the rest of the way and then laid her gently onto the double bed. He knelt down on the bed next to her, his eyes memorizing every inch of her body, every curve. Her arms came up, reaching out to him. He responding by falling into her arms, her hands caressing his smooth back and shoulders as he leant down to kiss her once more. His lips moved across her cheek, along her earlobe, down her neck, between her breasts and then trailing down her stomach. His hands found their way around her back to unhook her bra, and he slowly pulled it off her and dropped it onto the floor by the bed. There was only one word he could say. "Gorgeous." He planted a tender kiss on each breast, and then his lips found their way to her already hardened left nipple. His tongue glided over the hard nub, while his right hand kneaded her other breast. By this stage she was moaning and wriggling around underneath him, which was only making him more aroused. His mouth found its way back to hers, and he felt her hands glide along his abdomen, searching for the button off his jeans. "Here, let me help you out." He smiled at her and slid off the bed, getting to his feet. He reached for the button of his own jeans, but she stopped him. She got to her knees and crawled over to the edge of the bed. She undid the button and then the zipper, and slid her hand into his pants, stroking him through his boxers. His head arched back and he moaned as she slid his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion, her mouth finding his erection as it sprang free. He stepped out of his pants and pushed Scully back down onto the bed. "My turn." He smiled once again and his hands made their way to her panties. He slid them over her hips and down her legs, adding them to the other clothes on the floor. He kissed his way back up her legs, along her inner thighs, causing her to moan once more. She jumped as his mouth found its way to her clitoris, licking and sucking as first one, then two fingers found their way inside her. He could feel her inner muscles contracting around his fingers as he moved them in and out of her slowly, his mouth never leaving her center. "Mulder .. I want you inside .. me .. when .. oh .. when I come .. oh God .." She was close, and they both knew it. Mulder himself was just as turned on from simply watching her. He slid his now glistening fingers out of her and slid his way back up her body. She grabbed his hand and sucked his fingers clean, tasting herself on them. She gasped as she felt him at her opening, hot, hard and ready. He looked into her eyes and she gave him her final approval. He slammed into her with a force that rocked them both. He moved slowly at first, and then they built up a rhythm and she rocked her hips in time with his thrusts. It didn't take long before Scully felt the orgasm hit her, her hips shuddering underneath him. Mulder followed seconds later, his seed exploding into her, and he collapsed on top of her. They lay there for a few moments, before Mulder slid out of her and rolled over, pulling her into his arms. He planted a kiss on her forehead, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He pulled the covers over them and they drifted off into a peaceful, happy sleep. ************************************** The next morning, Scully awoke to find Mulder's arms still wrapped around her waist. She was spooned up against him, her back to his chest. She turned in his arms and looked up to find him awake and smiling down at her. He kissed her softly. "So did you like your present?" "What?" "Your present .. it's your birthday remember." "Yeah, and I got just what I wanted too. Thank you Mulder." "You're welcome. Happy Birthday Dana." THE END Please send feedback to me at fbiagent_99@yahoo.com