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          Welcome to Dave's Home Page


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"Mastering others requires force, mastering the self requires enlightenment."  Lao Tzu.


When your up in space looking down, you don't see the colours of political boundaries, but one fragile world that we all were born on, and that we all call home.

Everybody's life is an extraordinary Journey.

Hi there & Welcome to my homepage. As I come up with some more Ideas I will add them when I get around to it

By now I hope you've figured out my Name, but for those of you that haven't,  it's Dave!

I'm 37,  I'm 6ft 1" and I'm a Leo.

Those of you that are the curious sort and need / like  to see a picture/photo, I have put one here.

I live in Western Australia, about 40-45 minutes drive, south from Perth. I have Three sisters, all of whom I Love very Dearly. They all live within about 20 minutes of me (walking that is [for me anyway ] ). Two are Married to a couple of great guys. All have children, including myself. Their names respectively in age down from me are : Michelle - Nicole - Amanda. Andrew & Dean are my two brothers-in-law. Andrew & Michelle's son's name is Tyler and their latest addition to the family is their daughter  Paige. She was born December 16th 2003.  Nicole & Deans Children's Names are; Ambre, Talisha, & Brandon. Amanda has two lovely boys who are; Daniel & Jacob, and as of yesterday/last night (13/12/04) now has a little girl, Mikayla.  She was born two months premature, but is completely fine and doing all the normal things by herself, breathing and the likes. This very special occasion places me an Uncle 8 times now. I'm not entirely how "old" I should be feeling now.  My two Children's names are Adam & Tegan , I miss them BOTH very much, as they don't live with me and their Mum has definitely done a way better job than I could have imagined of raising them, than I could have.


My Mum and Dad aren't together anymore, they separated when we were very young. Mum lives just around the corner from me now, and my Dad lives in Victoria and is re-married now. Good  luck to them, I truly hope they are happy and that they are successful. He wasn't around much as we were growing up, as he was in the Vietnam war. For any of those who are interested in the Vietnam war and would like more information I would suggest looking at this page. He was also the State Secretary for the VVAA VIC ( Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, Victoria.)  if there were any concerns or answers not provided on the site, you could alternatively E-mail him. I'm sure He wouldn't mind answering any questions you may have if you asked him nicely.

One of the things I enjoy doing is Martial Arts. I currently hold a Blue Belt, (also known as 5th Kyu [cue, an easier pronunciation] ) in Kempo/Kenpo . A link for more information on Kempo/Kenpo can be found here. I practise on a regular basis, and unfortunately I was taught in N.S.W (New South Wales, East Coast of Australia)  and there are no schools here in W.A. (Western Australia) , however; luckily my sensei is a very good friend of mine for  more than 15 years or so now, and I just might be able to convince him to come for an extended holiday here to complete my training. Yes; I was taught privately. I have heard many different things regarding being taught privately and being taught in a dojo, some say that privately is a lot better,  where as some say a dojo is better. Personally I wouldn't really know. Eventually I hope to open a school of my own, either by myself or with my sensei, if he decides to stick around, and if I can get hold of him, either way that's what I'm thinking. I believe he now holds a second degree Black belt, and has also trained in wing chung (Kung-fu). And speaking of other forms of self defence, I wouldn't mind learning either of these;- jiu-jitsu and/or Hapkido. Though I am unaware of any of these schools in W.A. If I am wrong could someone please correct me. Thx   I have put my certificates here. To this day I have never used my training to it's fullest capacity and I hope to never have to, as I am fully aware of how dangerous it can be, though I have been forced to defend myself on the odd occasion.

I also enjoy Simulated Flight, using Microsoft Flight Simulator. I have also found Orbiter (Space Flight Simulator) very Interesting as well. As some of you might have noticed, I am also a Member of and pilot for SimNASA. I enjoy flying, and even more so with SimNASA. the shear feeling of being up there is exhilarating. Even if it is simulated. I would one day like to actually try and fly a real aircraft, I believe I could do it.

I'm also a member of Emailcash. I love it! Get to sit on my butt, read a email here and there, do a survey or two, and best of all, play a couple of games and earn rewards for it. Who could ask for more? Go take a look, it's well worth it.

'One', of my favourite things to "watch" on the box is Star trek. Yup, I'm A Trekker, and I  wouldn't mind sharing a couple of my favourite pics with you all, as well as a few other pics which you'll find below.

I also love playing ET (Enemy Territory). I have a couple of different screen names, 1 is:- (FTP)Gopher*Killer (name lettering is black, star is gold and the Tag is Gold.); I am a member of the free teams players, and they can be found here and the server IP is . I can also be seen as [B0rG]Hugh.  I have a couple of other tags, but I still use Gopher*Killer with them, so If u wanna come play, just do a search or send me an email asking for the IP to where I will be and I'll happily send it to you.

                These servers are all good fun, and they have A LOT of GREAT people in them that are willing to help you out if you ask them :)



I 'love' music. Good thing too, given I was a D.J for 10yrs, I used to work in night clubs, mobile disco's, weddings all that sort of thing. If I was asked what my favorite song is, It'd have to be - "Billy Joel - Honesty". And why would be mainly because of exactly what it says, and if you want to know the words you can find them here. Billy Joel Honesty Lyrics

I enjoy words of wisdom and thought, I have collected a number of sayings and the like that I would like to share with you as well, and given I have collected a few I've had to split them up, please look under the 'phrases' link below, and there are three at the top of this page.



JAGEX!! You are all a pack of thieving bastards.

I don't use my account and you expect me to not put up a stink after I have asked for a refund and you refuse it;  you f'n thieves.

I "WILL "NOT"" be removing this passage, I intend on leaving it here for the whole world to see what a pack of thieving arseholes you really are, you call yourselves an 'honest' company, I call you a pack of bloody thieves, that wouldn't know how to provide a decent service to anyone, server or customer support wise, either way, you're bloody pathetic and utterly useless.

Thieving bastards, how many pensioners are you going to rip off?


So, if anyone is interested in who these morons are, try; , but I implore you, don't waste your money on them, if you change your mind you won't get a refund or any 'decent' servers or customer support. They are useless thieving, no good, bastards, and I sincerely hope that someone, somewhere, somehow will one day "shut them down" !

Don't play their games either, there are much better games to play that are "FREE", and have better support features than these pricks, and even the ones you have to "BUY" from a shop have better support.

Congratulations on making my enemies shit list!

And now for something to lighten the mood back up, here I have placed a jokes page. I hope you all enjoy them.


"We're not responsible for the world we're born into. Only for the world we leave when we die.

So we have to accept what's gone before us in the past, and work to change the only thing we can - The Future."

"William Shatner - The Ashes of Eden, pg. 268, chapter 38".


 Have a look at my friends homepages, they are all quite good in my opinion, what do "YOU" think?

If you like my site, or if you have any suggestions please E-mail me with them,  or sign my guestbook an let me know what you think. :)


                                                                     "YOU WILL BE DELETED"!!


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