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Welcome To the Net , My Reality
Ok this is My first Ever Attempt Of making A good Web site. It will not be good but its better than Using Yahoo auto page maker . My good friend Smile_SR has been Ever so kind to try and teach me HTML . So far I have got most of it But theres still bits im Confused on ;[ If you Got hear Well Its Most prolly that you kn0 me =] So sup And That your Hear To DownLoad Some of my mIRC scripts Or to see how badly i suck At Wc2 =] I have just learnt HTML so There will be patchy things on the site and Things that are wrong and screw Up But as i said Hey i just learnt It . PLease Be patient As this site is under construction And its my first page =] Also all my IRC friends can see what i sold em out to ( warcraft2 ) Ty for your patience . The links below should keep you amused for a while =]

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A quick prog i made about smile_SR
Do NoT HoVer Over Me