Note about story: Story began August 2000-present. It's an alternate universe from the Days storyline. Contains mixed and alternate couples. Written in episodic format.
Material Rating: I'm giving it an overall rating of R. Most chapters contain adult language. Some contain sexual situations that may be considered NC-17.

1. Towel, Please
2. Towel, Please II
3. Observations
4. First Date
5. Tense
6. Homecoming
7. Astrology 101
8. Fancy Fance
9. Tutor Session
10. Fast Time
11. Flag Football
12. Poolside
13. Sick
14. Impulse
15. All Grown Up
16. Moving In
17. Latest News
18. Puck in the Net
19. Windy City
20. Business as Usual
21. Four Years Gone
22. Heat
23. Anna Kourkinova and the Miami Dolphins
24. Nosey
25. Dinner for Three
26. The First Time
27. Broken Hearted
28. Aftermath
29. Sugar Daddy
30. BB
31. International House of Pancakes
32. The Asshole
33. Reunited
34. Mississippi Queen
35. New Year's Eve
36. Glass Princess
37. Peanut
38. She Bizounce
39. Table Manners, Frozen Peas
40. Falling, Falling...
41. Pimpin Da Bondo