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If you come across a webpage and the font is too small, go up to view, text size and choose a different size. I have taken some links off this page and added here for faster download time. ...Links...

Calendar - Nice Applet

Archive - Old Pages Moved Here

RGB - Pick The Perfect Color

Cool! - Translate this webpage or any text into another language!

Boogie Jack's Web Depot - Great HTML Tips! A webmasters resource center featuring excellent original graphics, HTML and Graphics Tutorials, product reviews, and too many other great features to list. The casual surfer will love the humor, contests, and other amusing diversions. A great resource, but it's also a funny and fun place to be. I highly recommend it!

Tip of the Day - New Tip every day. Subscribe to have the tip sent to your email.

Wise Guy - HTML Help Guide - Everything to spice up your webpages. Step by step instructions. JavaScripts - Java Applet - Page Effects.

Dotty - This is where I got my background in Guest Book.

Writing Tips Delivered Weekly.

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Carol McCoy / Creator / / revised May 2002