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JANUARY 1 2002
Its finally the year 2002 wow!!! This year my b/f is going to be 21 LoL old fart!! At 12am was my sister`s birthday....sheturned 26 haha. She couldn`t wait to openmy presnt...Ibought her a microwave. I don`t remember what happen thatmorning cuz I was small kind buzzing. Well I went to sleep and woke up around 11insh cuz I had to go towork. Well me and my cousin Lana was just sitting around doing nothing cuz there were hardly anybody coming intothe food court. I went home early cuz it was slow and I was getting sick. Nothing else really cuz I just basically fell asleep and slept for the rest of the night. I HATE BEING SICK!!!!

JANUARY 2nd 2002
I woke up and went straight to my computer...don`t ask me why I just did!! Was weird cuz I just went sign on and den put my away message on saying I going back sleep. LoL which I did and I woke up at 1130. I was just doing whatevers online den Zach came and picked me up. We went to the bank to drop of his loan application and den went to Ala`z to go eat. Freak den my sinus gave me dis mean a$$ headache so Zach drove back home. I went to sleep den I woke up to the sound of my telephone ringing. It was my friend telling me dat they going clubbing tonight and for me to go. I said "I`ll see!!" Hahaha look where I am now...still at home doing nothing because some people no lyke come with me....Freak dat if i`m going to drive all the way to town side bymyself and drive back all stinky and tired ALL BY MY LONESOME SELF. I don`t think so Melissa don`t play that. So here I am online and doing nothing really but talking to Ron!!! LoL so gay. Nah save me money cuz I onlee got 20 bucks in my wallet to last me until monday when I get paid. And yes I have money in the bank, but no I don`t want to spend it....Eww you know whatelse sucks...My freakin phone line went out again...Dang phone company better fix it mayn my dad is starting to rage...that`s lyke the 5th time this since december that stoopid thing don`t work. LoL I sound lyke I use it alot. NOT EVEN STEVEN...but still that`s not da purpose. Okay whatevers!!!!

JANUARY 3rd 2002
You wouldn`t believe what I actually did today!!! LoL for a first time in a long tyme I stayed home. I so trip out. I mean I was planning on going to the movies today with Zach after he was done work...but the stoopid VERIZON guy came and fixed my phone. Make no sense cuz the thingy broke down again. STOOPID ARSE. Well anyways my friend Jon called and left this weird message on my cell phone..was funny but weird. And Kevin called he wanted to go out tonight but dang I work tomorrow..early too sorry Kevin. LoL he never like me get off the phone cuz he was bored...but I had to cuz that stoopid VERIZON guy. Dang you check your telephone lines and replace those suckers. Ha Yeah and datz about it. Aiite peace out one love bu-byee!!!!

JANUARY 4th 2002
LoL look I have been slackin...whoa!!!! Well today I went to work and was boring lyke krazy. I had to work with my BOSS yuckie. Wasn't even that busy but yeah...I went to the bowling alley to see Zach bowl for his leauge all I did was pig out on bowling alley food and waste all my parking meter quarters on mega touch LoL but its koo. I went home an fell asleep hahahaha datz it otay bu-byeee!!!

JANUARY 5th 2002
Another day to talk about!!! Well my day sucked. I went to work blah blah blah and shoot I was looking forward on to cosmic bowling but NOOOO nobody wanted to go. Freakers. Dang. Well yeah its all koo and stuff lyke that. So now here I am sittin on my computer just sitting wanting to just sitting here. LoL so gay. Well check it laters byeeee!!!!

JANUARY 8th 2002
Skipped a couple of day hehehehe!!!! Well u know sucked....freaked I just got shoved with chokest freakin WORK FOR SKOO and it sucks. Well yeah I just wanted to blah yeah all day today. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK. Besides I aint going to school on Thursday so I have to do all my homework for tomorrow and Thursday. Mayn dis sucks. My boss called me up today...I really didn't want to answer my phone but I did and dang. I thought he wanted me to work today but he was just asking if I could come in to work early tomorrow, but unfortunatly I am not going to work on Wednesday because my b/f's sister is graduating from HPU tomorrow night and its going to be at least three hours long at night. Well yeah that's why I not going skoo on Thursday. Well now I'm here taking a break and soon going to go do my homework again. LoL that's if I don't fall asleep hehehe!!!!