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~The 411 On The Girl Called Crazy8!~

Hey thanks for visiting my HoMe P@gE! *L*

Well my name is Karen , but most you know me as the INFAMOUS Crazy8!

AKA ~~tHuG @nGeL~~


I'm 24 (birthday is July 16) so send those electronic greeting card kay! *L* I'm filipina but gets mistaken for being Hawaiian, Pourtugese and Japanese! But I'm borned and raised here in Hilo, HI so I'm pretty much like a local girl!:)

I graduated from St. Joe in 96. I'm finally done with college:) Graduated in May of 99 then again this past December 00. I got my AAS in Accounting, CC in Hotel Oper, & my CA in Office Admin & Tech! (hehe...sorry got lazy to type out what they mean...hehe...!) Right now I'm just workin at a place that I love, love the work, love the peeps, love everything....hehe...and that's all that matters Right:)I know, I know...sounds like a damn boring life...*L* But hey that's just my day life, now my night life...hehe..that's a different story! *L*

Yups...I like to P@RTY! Anywhere that I can go dance, sing, and drink! And just be my crazyself! Damn...I'll be happy! I love kickin it with my friends, singing, dancing, writing poetry, drawin, cars, chat (duh!), dragons:), making trouble and takin care of my b@by! Nope I don't got kids*L* I'm talking about my car! *L*


Oh, your all probably wondering about my name Crazy8 ? I know, alot of you asked me that question before. And no it has nothing to do with the card game! *L* Well in high school, my nickname was Crazy...not cause I'm mentally crazy *LOL* But because I'm really out-going, and did pretty much anything, to the extent that it's crazy funny! I got the nickname awhile back when I use to play pool with my friends, cause I would kinda choke, when I'd get down to the eight-ball...I know...lose money yah! But I don't play anymore, I kinda suck now, cause I really don't take it seriously*L* To tell you the truth I hardly take anything seriously And I'm not competitive in anything, I really hate competitive peeps! *L* But anyways when I started chatting couple years ago?! I wanted a nickname that I'll always use, so I put them together and well... now you all know why I'm called Crazy8!


Anyways thanks for visiting my page:)

Come again soon and don't forget to sign my kay:) (hehe...just keep on scrollin down! lol!)

Con Amor Seimpre!


~ThE bL@cK Ro$E ePic~


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