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The Story of DM’s Mint Tea

Dedicated to Nomad and Ranges

Morgan sat down in the offered chair uneasily as her friend and Ajah Head paces forwards and backwards within her office and room. The Aes Sedai mutters to herself in exasperation.

"Mint tea… mint tea. That’s all they ever ask about. Why even the Amyrlin herself asked me the ingredients. How can I run a smooth Ajah if everyone and their neighbor is bothering me or begging me to tell it all? The fact is I barely know of its origins myself." With a tired sigh, Lanfir throws up her hands in frustration and turns back quickly to Morgan in a swirl of skirts.

"Now Morgan, please… you must tell me the story. I would ask Maarin but she’s gone into seclusion." With a tone partially of command and pleading, Lanfir sits down in a large comfortable chair directly across from Morgan and picks up a feather pen.

Seeing no hope of getting out of this daunting task, Morgan leans back and lets those carefully hidden memories filter into her consciousness. They were both of joy and sorrow, the good and bad. Clamoring for release the words tumbled over themselves looking for an outlet. Hesitantly, she began.

"It all started many year’s ago… when I was younger and newly raised to the shawl. I had just started looking at the unbonded warders for a suitable companion. Those were innocent times before strife and the countless Breakings of Ages past.

A good friend of mine in our Ajah named Nina came to me and begged that I accept the passage of one of her warder’s bonds to me. Now this was an unusual request though in the histories it had happened before. I thought on it and in the end accepted out of the friendship we had and the circumstances of her problem. As fate would have it I grew to respect and even love that solemn and kind man. Nomad and I went on many journeys in search of strange artifacts and girls who could channel.

During that time I met a stilled man who resided within the Tower. I ended up bonding him, but that is another story entirely. He does play an important part though so I’ll tell of Ranges my second warder later.

The initiating factor that led to Mint tea started in an inn called Spring of the Morning. It resided in an interesting location to say the least. Sitting on the boundary of an abandoned Stedding this inn catered to many clientele. It became a popular spot upon its opening. Well one day I was sitting inside enjoying a nice cup of tea when Nomad came in from caring for the horses. I could tell he was bothered by something. Blackthorne the innkeeper was busy in the back and only Jon’atha a good friend of mine was within. He stepped out and Nomad sat down to speak those words I’ll never forget.

He professed his undying devotion to our plans, but said he had something riding upon his conscience. He loved another woman he had met on one of our journeys. He gently clasped my hands as he spoke of their plans and how he couldn’t in right mind wholly be mine anymore.

Through moist eyes he asked for my understanding. While he did not outright say it, I felt his desire and knew I couldn’t stop him. With a heavy heart I told him I would release the bond. It nearly drove me insane as his presence slipped from my mind. The emptiness still remains, not quite so jagged but it still aches to this day. The love and support that flowed through my bond to Ranges kept me strong as Nomad helped me upstairs. Though leagues away on a mission, Ranges’ fierce determination flowed through my veins strengthening my spirit.

That evening after waking from a dreamless sleep I sat in the common room with Maarin. The in was moderately crowded that evening as I told her of what had happened earlier. By accident, mind you, while pouring a cup of mint tea I added it to a partially filled cup of another beverage. Finding that mixture not only refreshing but also addicting, we both enjoyed the new drink while trying to forget our troubles."

Pausing for a moment, Morgan looks up to see Lanfir nibbling her forgotten pen. "Do you want me to tell you that other ingredient?"

"Hmm?" Looking up in startlement, Lanfir shook her head mutely. "Some things should remain a secret." Grinning mischievously, she gestures for Morgan to continue.

Nodding, Morgan begins again. "The next day we awoke to chaos and um… well you understand. The recipe, however, remained and we agreed to keep it to ourselves. I’ll not name the names of the others that saw our spectacle the night before. I think they eventually forgot. We returned to the Tower and worked together perfecting the recipe and addicting… um I mean allowing others to sample it. I do remember certain oddities that occur when drinking it. I believe it is so addictive one’s own warders eventually crave it almost as much as their Aes Sedai do. It also seems to increase one’s strength in Saidar or that could just be one’s ego. It also allows one to be very creative."

Laughing, Morgan sips her mint tea. "I guess in conclusion mint tea is a drink born out of sadness and despair. It evolved thought into a cherished and infamous tradition here in the Green Ajah." Glad her story is at last don, Morgan rises and bids her friend goodnight. Almost to the safety of the hallway she hears called out from within.

"Don’t forget this is only one chapter of your history. It all should be recorded so I’ll expect you back sometime in the future." Sighing, Morgan lets her duty slide away like rain into a river as Ladon her present warder walks silently along letting her remember…