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::NAME:: Heather

::Location:: So.Cal(Riverside)

::D.O.B.:: March 28

::AGE:: 24

::Ethnicity:: Filipina

::Astrological Sign:: Aries

::Status:: In a Relationship//Taken by Paul

::College:: CSUSM


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Welcome to
Hapiasian's Homepage
Updated: October 23, 2003 ____________________________________

Thanks for stopping by my page. I hope that you enjoy my page. First of all, you're probably wondering how to pronounce my's "HappyAsian"... but my friend spelled it with an "I" instead of a "Y" now you know how to pronounce it corrrectly. ..."Hapiasian" .....

Second of all, prolly some of you who know me are saying," Heather cut her hair short, damn!" I know that it's a dramatic change, but that's what I wanted and besides, I thought I could use a little change. I hope that you like my new look, and if you don't...oh'll just have to live w/ it.

Anyhow, Sorry there's not that much right now. It's still under reconstruction, but I'm almost finished. Anyhow, there will be some information about myself, and what I have to say. There will also be links to Special people in my life. Feel free to click on the links to take a peek at them. Well, this is it all for now. Please feel free to come back to check on updates. Hope I haven't bored you yet.



As for you guys out there, I am no longer single. I am happily taken by Paul Worley. Here's a little dedication for him...

This section is dedicated to my love-- Paul Worley--

Hey babe! What can I say? I am just grateful that I got the opportunity to meet you and got to know you for who you are and not as you for having to be a Marine. I know that we haven't been together for a long time, but it seems as if I've known you my whole life. You're one of the greatest, caring, and friendliest person I've ever known. I'm glad that we can be honest with one another. I'll surely never forget the time @ Margaritaville when we danced and talked all night getting to know each other. Just talking to you made me feel like I could trust you and could talk to you about anything and you wouldn't care. You made me want to get to you better after that night. I hope that our relationship will last for a long time, but that is all I could do; hope. I know I can't predict the future, but whatever the Lord and the furture has in store for the both of us, I am willing to wait and see. As both of us said, if we could survive your deployment to Japan without seeing each other for 7 months, we could basically survive any obsticle, because our love for each other is strong.I love spending every moment that I can with you. You make me feel all "giddy" inside. hehe. You make me smile,laugh and forget all my problems when I'm with you. Thank You for making me feel special and for giving me the time of day. Well, I should end this for now. I could go on forever. Until then, thank you for being you and for being my friend...boyfriend(And hopefully one of these days I can say that I consider you as my best friend). Always..Mahal na Mahal Kita~ **muah**

Btw, the picture above is one of my HS friend Diane at a Memorial B-Q '02 @ the park. Here's a quote that I really do believe in...and suggest it to those who are in a relationship..."Don't hurt the ones you love or you'll lose them forever"....


Information about Myself:

I am currently working for this Company named California Traders and attend college at CSU San Marcos. I have only been there a semester and plan on graduating within 2 years majoring in Developmental Psychology.

If you are interested in what I like to do in my spare time and I have not answered questions that you want to know, click on the Interest & Music link on the General Info. section or email me.

OKay that's about it for now. Sorry if my page is not as exciting as the other ones. I need to learn how to use FLASH (one of these days).Oh yeah, before I forget, there are the links to my nephew,interest&music, and Friend's page in the General Info. section in the top of the page. Feel Free to click on the links to take a peek.

That's all folks! Come back for updates on my page. Thanks for dropping by.

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