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My Page

Welcome to my page everyone!It isn't much right now but hey what can I say I am not great at doing this kind of thing...So here it is, My name is Terri Weaver, I am 25 yrs. old and I live with my parents in Kemptown. I am the oldest out of 4 and a sagittarius. My hobbies are writing poetry/lyrics/stories/playing guitar/sports. I also love video games, and partying!(Who doesn't?!)

My Ultimate Favorite Singer is Stevie Nicks.(pictured below) I Love her music, I listen to it constantly...

HIGHLIGHTS:Nothing much is really going on with me right now...Just poking around, and doing some job hunting...what fun...

My Fav Links

Disturbed Link
Bif's Page
A Board
Metric's Official Site!!!
Anna Nalick
A Poetry Site
Guitar Stuff
