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Holy crap this pic is hot!! Poor Jaime has fallen into the evil hair of Corry. It appears that she has learned how to manipulate her hair to make it longer. And long it is!! Look at it. Thats some super sexy hair. Sexy but also deadly. As you can see Jaime doesn't look like hes gonna get away. I can only imagine the horror that is going through his mind. He looks so helpless too. I need to draw more "vore" related art. Pretty enticing stuff. If you cant wait to see the big version theres a smaller version of the pic here.Enjoy


Whats better than a hair vore pic? An animated one!! An not only animated but Chibi too!! Now I had to shrink this one down a little bit fromt he original frames that I made because It would have been about 2 megs in its original size. Its cute. I like the way Corrys hips sway. Even as simple as this is it seemed to take me an aweful long time to do so you'd better look at it for a while. I promise more weird stuff will go into this art section soon. Have to focus on my RPG work right now. Ok. Enjoy.


Ooh this pic was fun. I drew it one night and did all the cging in pretty much one sitting. Thats how I spent my day if anyone asks. Dam those scales took forever to draw. Had to do them all freehand with the mouse. It turned out ok, cept the background. I didnt wanna have her out of place though. I mean where else ya gonna find a snakechick but in the woods. I promise I won't use that background again. Anyway some poor guy or gal has wandered into the forest and is now quite snug in that snakegirls belly. That must be terrifying. Fun. Ok. Enjoy.

Little Slime Girl

Ooh. This one turned out better than I had anticipated. When I first drew up the scetch for it it seemed kinda dull. As a matter of fact I havn't had the urge to work on it in almost a weeks time. Tonight I thought I'd best to finish it. It looks ok. The girl is cute. The guy looks kinda generic. Maybe Ill draw something challenging next. So many artists try different things. This pic just kinda felt "cookie Cutter" ya know? Oh well. Ok. Enjoy.

Bigger Slime girl.

Ok. This pic was a requested one. ^_^ YEAH!! SOMEONE ACTUALLY REQUESTED ART!! Ahem. We got some girl on girl action in this one. The slimegirl has some cute hair too I might add. For all those who don't know what to expect from me, I should warn you that there is some nudity and suggestive themes going on. Good stuff. This will probly be the last regular(non RPG) cg on here for a while. I need to get that dam RPG done. Ok. Enjoy.

Dog eats Cat

Ok. This picture is actually RPG related but since its a vore pic it went here. One of those cute cheetah girls got caught and eaten whole by a dam muttgirl! Oh I hate them. This is the first time Ive cged any "big Bellied" pics. I feel sorry for that poor Catgirl inside. She must be suffering terribly. Dam those mutts!!!

Silk Feeds

Ok. This picture has a long history behind it. My buddy Hiphugger has this character named silk. And ever since I knew about her only one thought entertained my brain...what if she got my dear Jaime. Well a year ago or so HipHugger wrote me a nice story about what she thought would happen and we were gonna do a co-op pic but that didn't happen. So the other day I was like. I'm gonna draw that dammit. But me drawing it doesn't turn me on like if someone else did it...hint..hint.. Poor, poor Jaime. Lets hope he escapes.

Misty Eats Ash

Ok. This picture was a request by my buddy Zak. I really didn't put a lot of time into this pic but its still cute. I'm really not a Poke'mon fan. lol. Vore is vore though. Oh and Ash, Misty and Pokemon are trademark names of Nintendo...blah blah blah.

Nurse Joy Eats Misty!

Ok. This pic is another quickie I did for Zak. I do admit that I didn't like centaurs before but they seem pretty hot to me now. Oh just so you know I've never drawn Nurse Joy or a centaur/horse before. Not bad for a first try. Oh and Nurse Joy, Misty and Pokemon are trademark names of Nintendo...blah blah blah.

Corry Cat pic Manip!

Ok. I just maniped this not too long ago. Was working on my game and ran across the original and thought, dam that'd be hot if she had someone in her belly. Guess who ended up there. I won't spoil it. Yeh for manips. ^_^

Cow Girl

Ok this was a requested picture. Yeah for cowgirls. I think she's pretty dam cute. Now personally if I had picked the text she would have talked about digesting her woodbe victom. I like her hair. Very nice. Who do you think is inside?

Family Guy Vore

Ok this just popped into my head and I had to draw it. I mean who doesn't love family guy? I think this picture is pretty neat considering how simple it is. But if it gets the point across then why not. Ok Family Guy is a registered trademark of Seth MacFarlin. I do not claim these characters to be my own.

Bianca and her magic coat

Ok technically she isn't doing anything "Vorish" in this pic but she is a new vore character of mine that I hope will be drawing again. Bianca here has the ability to suck people into her hungry coat. And of course once they are there she proceeds to wrap them up and digest them. The scary thing is that she sucks the souls of her victoms into her belly to forever suffer and churn within her. Dam she's hot, and I usually hate blondes. Lol. Maybe Angel would look like this if I were to draw her once in a while. Yah for Tablets!

Yumi from Ape Escape 3

Ok this could be classified as fan art since I do not own this character but under the circumstances it needs to go here. I drew this quick the other day cause I was talking about the character being cute so I got to thinking. Man where do those monkeys go after she catches them in the net. Take a guess. Ape Escape and Yumi are copyrited by SCEA. I do not claim these characters as my own. There we go ^_^

Donny gets Eaten!

Ok this picture is part of an art trade with one of my fellow vorephiles Brain3Times3. He drew me a cute pic where Jaime got eaten by a little girl so I drew him a pic of some sibling rivalry. Bet you couldn't guess who's belly Donny ended up in huh? Corrys expresion is pretty cute though. I tried to make her hair look more orange like it used to. ^_^

Snake Feast!

Ok this pic was a requested one I drew because I lost my underwater vore challenge thingy. This cute snakegirl is very hungry. As you can see she has quite an appetite! Beware when you go into the woods. ^_^

Random DarkHaired Vore girl.

Hey this girl stole Daniels old umbrella! Lol. Thought she needed it and since I was in the mood to reuse props...well you get it. Anyway this girl is very cute considering I drew her and cged her whilst I was drinking. Hmm what a hottie. Look at that belly. Poor Jaime ~_~

Dead or Alive vore!

Ok this pic was requested by DaMan over at ekas portal...and since there's not a lot of DOA vore I said...why not? Didn't turn out too bad but its not exactly up to my standards. He liked it though. Legal disclaimer...I do not claim these characters as my own. DOA is trademarked of Tecmo. Yaddy yaddy ya. Ok?

Angels Sweet Revenge!

Well I really didn't want to have to do this but Inferno took quite a long time getting his pic around so I only thought it was fair to bring Angel back. So as of right now she is alive and not gone forever. But that might change. We won't sent anything in stone yet. I drew this just to get Inferno going so he would finish up things. ^_^

April O'neil vs. The Shredder!

I never did get a chance to draw April so i thought..why not. I mean she is super hot. I didn't quite capture her cuteness. Somehow I made her look really evil. I draw a lot of evil girls though. Anyway it felt good to do another hard shaded pic. ^_^ April O'neil and the Shredder are not my characters and I do not claim them. Neither is the background. Ok?


Those darn mutts just won't leave those poor cheetah girls alone. I wanted to try drawing this pose and It came out better than I thought it would. Just makes me mad that the Catgirls never seem to win. ~_~


Oh no...the Cheetah girl didn't escape the mutt. I got such a good response when I posted the first pic that I made this one to continue on. Someday the Cheetahs will get there revenge.

Yummy Bunny!

I did this pic as a request from someone I talked with online. Not a bad bunnygirl. She's pretty cute. This really doesn't need to go in the vore section except that she is a vore character so I only thought it apropriate. Her nose looks like a little

The Mutts strike again!

I did this as another art trade with my new friend Stank. So I drew his character getting eaten by my now Notorious Muttgirl! Is there anything or anyone who can beat a muttgirl? I'm starting to think that there on top of the foodchain.

Petra Queen of the Sharks!

Ok I drew this to get someone to do another Shark/octopus challenge. Noones taken the bait yet but this shark girl is kinda cute. I kinda rushed her though. You can tell by looking at the crap job I did on her hair. Oh well. I've been cranking so much art out lately it's not funny. ^_^

Blonde vs. Redheads!

Ok somethings gotta be done about this. There is no way that a stupid blonde girl should be able to catch and digest two hot redheads!! Ohhhh. This girl pisses me off. Look at her. She thinks just because shes blonde that shes "perfect" Oh I hate her. Break free my redheaded cuties.