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Stephanie's Page

HeyHey!! My name is Stephanie Michelle!! I am 16 & I have my license, and I live in WV! My bd is in MAY!! Yeah! LoL! My boyfriend is named Eric Shane, he is 17 18 in AUG. He has an awesome car. We have been dating since March 19,2001!! So more than a year now! Back to me!! That is a picture of my boyfriend and I, at Winter Formal. We had a great time! The sign at the top of this page that says "Stephanie" in really pretty letters, was given to me by Tanner my pen pal! Thanks buddy!I actually got my page started with an awesome friend of mine!! so if you would please go to her web page and sign her guestbook i and she would appreciate.Oh yeah!! I want to say hi to one of my good friends i met at church!!! Hi Jenny and Seth!! I love you guys very much the both of you!!!! Thanks for everything you guys are the best!!!! Love ya bunches!!!I also work at Fazoli's and I want to send a shout out to some of my buddies there!! Hey Shirley, Danielle, Emily, Julie, Tanya **Pronounced Tonya**, Kristin, Jim, Matt, CJ, Sam **the Man**, Justin, Stephen, Sarah, Leigh, Curtis, Cassandra, Joanne, and some i can not remember there names sorry!! but you guys are still sweet!!

Well about my links! I have a page so that those out there who need someone to talk to can e-mail me and I will write back you know kinda like the ones in magazines!? This site is called "Ask Steph." I have a page for my loved ones to show how much i miss them and why!! I have a page I made for Eric .:*myBoyfriend*:. I also have a page for my christianity, it is called Keeping The Faith! I have a page that I made that has Prom pictures and Winter Formal Pictures.

My Page for Eric
Winter Formal Pictures
Ask Stephanie
Loved One's page
Prom Pictures
Keeping the Faith
The best webpage ever!!!
A really long but worth the read good Poem by -unknown
A cool Christian Site!!