UPDATED 12/21/01

Oh my gosh can you believe it? I've actually done a little updating on my page! Now I know I've said this before, but I really am going to try and update some of the pages again...*try* being the operative word there. And as I also said before, since I don't usually get around to updating this thing much, please direct your attention to my Journal. This wonderful contraption will inform you all of my outrageous and zany life...well when I actually get around to updating it as well. I am making an effort now though...honest I will. Be sure to look at the pictures page before you leave...I often add new pictures without mentioning it (actually it's my amazing apathy). AND one more thing...sign my guestbook and/or slambook...please? :) Thanks!! Hope everyone has Happy Holidays and don't forget my birthday :) JANUARY 12...mark your calendars now :) J/K

Hey to my bestest bud Joey :)

~~~~~SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!~~~~~

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~~*CrAzY sTuFf*~~

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