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PVHS Trophy Room
This is a collection of all the first, second, and third
place awards we have received since the 99-00 school year

99-00 1st place flag squad

February 19th, 00: Burbank High School - 1st place flags
February 26th, 00: Canyon Springs High - 1st place flags
February 26th, 00: Canyon Springs High - 1st place drill
March 18th, 00: Glendora High School - 1st place flags
March 18th, 00: Glendora High School - 3rd place drill
April 1st, 00: Edison Sun Beach Classic- 2nd place flags
April 1st, 00: Edison Sun Beach Classic- 2nd place drill
October 28th, 00: Golden State Classic - 3rd place fieldshow
February 17th, 01: Burbank High School - 1st place color guard
February 17th, 01: Burbank High School - 3rd place flags
February 19th, 01: Indio Date Festival Parade - 1st place drill team
February 24th, 01: Canyon Springs High - 1st place flags
February 24th, 01: Canyon Springs High - 1st place color guard
March 17th, 01: Glendora High School - 2nd place flags
March 17th, 01: Glendora High School - 2nd place color guard
March 17th, 01: Glendora High School - 2nd place drill down - Ashlynn
March 31st, 01: Edison High School -1st place Color Guard
March 31st, 01: Edison High School - 3rd place flags
March 31st, 01: Edison High School - 3rd place flag solo - Stacia
February 16th, 02: Burbank High School - 1st place - Mini Rifles
February 16th, 02: Burbank High School - 2nd place Color Guard
February 16th, 02: Burbank High School - 3rd place Drill
February 16th, 02: Burbank High School - 3rd place Flags
February 18th, 02: Indio Date Festival Parade - 3rd place ID Unit
February 23, 02: Canyon Springs High School - 1st place Rifles
February 23, 02: Canyon Springs High School - 1st place Flags
February 23, 02: Canyon Springs High School - 1st place Color Guard
February 23, 02: Canyon Springs High School - 1st place Drill
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 1st place Color Guard
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 1st place Flags
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 1st place Officer Rifles
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 2nd place Drill
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 2nd place Flag Solo
March 16, 02: Glendora High School - 3rd place Officer Dance
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 1st place Flags
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 1st place Rifle Duet
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 1st place Officer Dance
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 1st place Flag Solo - Ali
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 3rd place Drill
April 6, 02: Azusa Canyon Classic - 3rd place Color Guard
April 21, 02: Sharp Regional Championship @ Magic Mountain - 2nd place Color Guard
May 18, 02: Sharp National Championship @ Ragin Waters - 1st place Tall Flags
May 18, 02: Sharp National Championship @ Ragin Waters - 1st place Rifles
February 15, 03: Burbank High School - 1st place Tall Flags
February 15, 03: Burbank High School - 1st place Color Guard
February 17, 03: Indio Date Festival Parade: 3st place Flag Team


All PVHS graphics on this page are (c) 1999-2002 by Ashlynn. DO NOT remove them without my permission