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Um Hey. If you're here I guess 1) You know me 2) You might want to know me or 3) You don't give a flyin Fuck about me, you're just here cuz you're bored. Let's see. Well I'm 17 and a senior in High school. I live in New Jersey and it's really boring. I'm gonna be here for quite a while like at least 4 more years. I plan to be a Vet so I'm going to study Bio in college. I have a 4 year old sister who is becomming some what violent and she's a big brat. But for some strange reason I love her. Maybe because she reminds me of me. Probably. Yeah don't know much else to say. Floccipaucinihilipilification used to be the longest word in the Oxford dictionary but it got replaced by a really dumb long word. Floccipaucinihilipilification means judging something to be worthless. Yeah go to some other pages.

My Friends

Ok. Well trying to keep up with everything that happens with my friends and the inside jokes just got annoying. A lot of my friends are on my AOL Subprofile so keeping two is dumb. So to all my friends that are visiting you know who you are. And plus if I didn't mention you on the list before you might be a little upset so now just think you're on here cuz you're one of my friends.


It's my senior year in high school. I'm glad to be leaving this town but just a little scared. College is gonna be a bitch, I know it, and I'm really gonna miss all of my friends. I found a great guy and his name is Floyd. He is the bestest person in the world. He treats me great, we have a lot in common, and we make each other happy. He asked me out on Halloween, which is quite fitting considering Halloween is supposed to be like "evil" and people sometimes call both of us evil. I'm just glad to have him in my life. The End.

This is Floyd and me

You know we as humans tend to complain when the pretty people are always dating someone but it's only nature. I mean if there are two guy birds who want the same chick who gets the chick? The guy who looks the best and has more to offer. So the way I see it it's nature's damn fault we're not in a relationship. - Me talking to Jen

These are my cats Fluffer Nuffer and Snickers and my fat cat Pinky

This is my dog Alysha.


"You think that I'm dead wrong and this song is not fair pass judgement on me just cause I couldn't stand there with a smile to give I took your smile to heart and you're looking for that time to find that everything that you wanted right well it's already right within your reach but you can't see it so open your eyes open your mind to pass what's on the outside and you just might find a life to call your own a home away from home call it what you've always wanted"

-"Reach" by mi6

This is mi6. They are one of my new fav bands. They are really good. If they weren't good I wouldn't like them. They're punk, on the Kung Fu Records label and they're gonna be at Warped Tour this year. There's a link for them at the bottom. So go to they're site and check them out, ok? Ok.

"Accept me for who i am high on adrenaline taking chances and i'm feeling pretty good about it now i'm higher than I've been can you feel it rushing in burning up inside and I think I can tell the reasons why I'm wasting my time hoping I'll find I've got a clue What can I say get out of my way and try to understand the things I do the look in your face but I don't think I can keep up this pace cuz we all fall down when we step into the sun break my neck in two trying to copy what you do we all fall down when we step into the sun when it comes around it leaves you lying on the ground now i can't remember my name but it will come back to me It's time i told the truth i hit my head and lost my couthe and I have never felt the same since that day now I'm ok I might be a little slow in summer sun and winter snow It doesn't matter anyway I've got my life and vans on"

-"Highlife" by mi6

Scroll down to find the links to these sites. Katie has a good site, I'd definitely say it's better than mine. So go to her site. mi6 is awesome, go there. Stait Of Mynd is my friends' band so check them out, they're cool. Beaner's site is pretty decent. Yet decent is still better than mine. I haven't talked to Erycka in awhile but she's still cool so check out her site. Springman Records is a recording company's site, duh, but it has a bunch of punk bands signed on it. Kung Fu Records has the Ataris, Blink 182, The Vandals, Assorted Jelleybeans, etc. on it. Good Charlotte is a Rockin Band. I saw them at Warped Tour. Aaron stinks majorly. is great to go to when you're bored. Go to the bottom of my page to sign my guestbook or view it to see who has. But I'm not saying a lot of people have signed it. Thanx to the people who have had nice things to say about my site.

If you wanna know more click here

Hopefully it's starting to look good. So go and see it.

Click here to go to my Quotes Page

I hope you all like the quotes that i'm putting on there

Click here to see some pics of Me and my Friends

Um it just sucks but you can go if you want.

KT's Rockin' Page


Stait Of Mynd

Justine's Awesome Page

Erycka's page

Springman Records

Kung Fu Records

Good Charlotte

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