*~*You'll Never Know*~*

Thanks for coming to my humble lil spot on the web. I hope you like my first try at a fanfic, I've been working hard on it. I first started writing it in my spare time, but then decided to post it for others to read also. It's been a lot of fun so far with writing this, it helps me get away from the everyday stresses of life! I hope you like what I have so far. I don't see an ending anywhere in the near future. I'm still in the midst of writing it. So when you're wondering what's going to happen next, I'm probably wondering the same myself! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please tell me your thoughts and/or your ideas in my guestbook. Thank you =)

Part 37 and 38 of You'll Never Know added 11.29.99 Part 39 coming soon! And look for a preview of my new story (Currently untitled). I gave a preview to some people by posting it in the alt.fan.backstreet.boys newsgroup. If you want to find it, I'm ShimmerS21 in there. I'll be putting a section up for that soon, since I got a pretty good response of emails from it! Thanks and I hope to see any comments in the guestbook! Thanks!

BTW: I added a mailing list to this site, it's at the bottom of ther page. If you join the list, you'll be notified when this site is updated! =)

About me, the author
If you'd like to know about the wonderful person writing this whole story, click on that!

You'll Never Know
My first fanfic, main character is
Alyssa, the story is from her point of view.
There many are other characters as well.
*not finished*

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Yes, I do have to put my disclaimer up. I am not the Backstreet Boys. I do not know the Backstreet Boys or anyone affiliated with them. I have no contacts with them, or their management. This is my fiction. None of what I am writing is real or has anything to do with real life. The characters and their placements in the story are pure fiction. So please don't tell me "That's not right what you wrote there," or " *name of person* would never do that or say that," or "That never happened." DUH! That's why it's a fiction. You can write what you want and what you feel. And don't steal my story and pass it off as your own. That's plagerism, and it's illegal. Thanks for reading and enjoy! =)