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Mystic's Palace



I hope you enjoy my pages. My name is ~Sally-Ann~. I was a nurse,until a work accident almost 3 years ago. I am now a sufferer of CRPS, a chronic pain condition, for which I intend to in the near future, design a information webpage for. I have a Certificate in Psychology,Dementia and Psyche Illnesses. I enjoy making personal webpages. My interests are, Psychology, Personal Studies, Tarots, Para-Normal,True Crime Stories,  and all things that go bump in the night. Making gifs, graphics,applets,web design,ceramics,home decorating are also a hobbies of mine. I enjoy chatting on icq, so if you would like to have a chat drop in, would love to hear from you..

For now, sit back, grab a coffee, relax, and look through my pages. If you would like to email me, please do.





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